[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

This is actually looking great. The GCD worries me (not as a fury warrior, but the general health of the game), but I’m really digging this unpruning. It’s great to see you guys returning to the class philosophy rather than 36 individual specs having their own special things.

Also, would it be possible to have all Artifact abilities to return? They were a lot of fun, and I’d love to see something like Odyn’s Fury return!


I still want hunter as my main, looks good.

Also looking forward playing monk and priest again

So a talent for questing, where it’s use is unquestionably useless?
Case 1: You didn’t enter Voidform and kill a target with SW:D - Insanity is 100% wasted.
Case 2: You entered Voidform and kill a target with SW:D - Insanity is 100% wasted, because you will drop Voidform anyways while running around.

And what is “instantly ready to use on their next enemy” - unless the next target starts in execute range, there’s virtually no use to that part. (unless it’s not an execute spell)

So how is that different from the Live Version aside of giving it an additional Void Eruption damage combination? The talent is not taken on live because a single long duration Voidform has absolutely no damage value, and unless Voidform itself sees significant changes, that will never change.

Seems like 4 years of Voidform and Insanity feedback were completely ignored, and these talent changes just undermine the complete lack of basic understanding of the spec.

Which can be seen by the unpruned abilities consisting of: … ?


The Shaman changes look great. I’m totally into them. Good work!


Please, please, please let the Shaman changes be awesome.

Cant wait for 2hand Frost. So awesome.


go me!
I was hoping they werent going to screw my SV fun over.


Thats how you know they’ll find a way to screw it up :slight_smile:


By all accounts, the Gladiator talent was a wildly popular choice for warriors - it allowed for some serious style and flavor, and versatility for when being a tank was not strictly necessary.

Is there a reason for why this was not brought back?


Please give enhancement shamans a 2 Hander option also!!!


Outlaw still uses their guns and dice. Nice.

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Thanks for the monk changes.

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I enjoy melee SV but it should have been a 4th spec vs removing a rare ranged spec and giving the game yet another melee one.

I was not expecting this to change in Shadowlands but was kinda hoping.

I’ll be a Beast Master for range and movement anyway and am intrigued where the BMaster changes will take us in terms of rotation.


I’m happy with what I’m seeing here for Afflock, DH, and Brewmaster… but I have the sinking feeling that none of it will make it to live.

Why not 2-hands for Shamans as well?


I like this. I like this a lot.

Memories of the Lich King’s legendary sword Frostmourne stirs the hearts of Frost Death Knights, who can again choose between two 1-handed weapons or one 2-handed weapon to cut down their foes.



Really excited to see how Mind Soothe is brought back for Priests. If done right this could give us some much needed utility in Mythic+ to maybe skip some packs.

Why isn’t Flash Heal not on the class list for priests though? This is the perfect time to ditch Shadow Mend.


Expanded my post considerably to add detail; mostly bear-centric but also touches on other specs some.

Very underwhelming.


If Blizz is re-examining weapon restrictions, can we pretty please look at rogues, at least for the transmog restrictions? It’s silly that rogues can access all of the 1H weapons for transmogging… unless you’re playing a Assassination or Shadow, and then you can’t transmog the dagger you’re required to equip into a different 1H weapon, even though Outlaw can transmog whatever they please. Sure, I get the concept that the Mutilate or Backstab stabbing animation might look a tad silly with a mace transmog, but I feel like that’s my choice if I want to do that.

TLDR: this is more about transmog than actual weapon requirements, I just want my Sub rogue to have the option to transmog a dagger into an axe


um… blizzard its cool DKs can dual wield again but… CAN SURVIVAL HUNTERS DUAL WIELD TOO I MEAN… CMON.