[News] Shadowlands: A Look at Covenant Class and Signature Abilities *Updated 5/13

What in the actual nine hells are you people doing with your time.

Obviously mage favoritism, all the mage skills were made and polished and finalized months ago while most classes dont even have 4 skills to show off that are works in progress.

But seriously. The two skills you show for my class(Shaman) are a totem that will be a flunky annoying hunk of junk to re position an aim that has no chance of doing enough damage to be worth the annoyance of a short range totem. And… ‘Chain heal + chain lightning’ Whooooooo. Really busted out the big imagination there, Sunshine. Warriors have a banner that took a page to describe, druids have that cool “”“butt”"" ‘Whirlwind of random abilities’ thing and a K-mart symbiosis. And I get… chain lightning 2, not-so-electric boogaloo.

Im sure mages are happy they got their preferential treatment, again, as usual, but my class looks like someone actively dislikes designing it. Maybe hand the Shaman project over to someone who cares? Maybe someone who can actually get high rating as a Shaman? Id mention high skill pve but pve has so little to do with class these days its not really relevant if someone does mythic raiding as a specific class. Theyre just hitting a simplified damage rotation while avoiding / soaking mechanics in sync with their team.

Absolutely disappointed. I still cant believe it. One of my 4 new “big awesome skills” is just chain lightning with shadow damage. I bet it has a cast time too, just to make it even less desirable to Enhancement Shamans.

Edit: I had to change a word from ar / se to butt because Blizzard considers that worde, spelled as I put it without the line cutting it up, a swear word.How soft and sensitive have you become, Blizzard? That reference to a butt is considered too adult for your audience? Are you actually making games for 9 year olds now?

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Thats very wrong. First off, the single target and aoe abilities are PvP abilities. All abilities are. Second, PvE is meaningless trivial steamroll content. Always is, always will be since BC is over now and has been for a decade. So there really isnt a point to design anything outside of PVP, since PvE will always be a walk in the park it doesnt truly matter how good or bad things are in PvE outside of some extreme outliers. Which normally stem from not making classes competitive enough with eachother, which is fixed when you focus on PvP… where classes dont just compete with eachother, but in direct opposition of one another.

All classes should have a long slew of abilities designed for PvP entirely, which is how the game was originally designed. From spell reflect to mind control.

What bothers me about this entire thread is how one-sided the majority of the people are here over RPG, and MMO aspects of the game. This is a MMORPG, not JUST a RPG, or JUST a MMO. There has to be give and take, it can’t be one side takes the entire pie while the other doesn’t get anything. The current system for covenants leans very heavily towards the RPG aspect of the game. Which isn’t good for the MMO aspect at all, which means there needs to be some give. Not a lot but some, like allowing you to grind all of them out and choose at will for some fee which one you want to use. I get that breaks the RPG side of things somewhat, yet if it’s similar to the azerite reroll system it puts a limit on how many times you switch for the MMO side. I think that’s a completely fair system and compromise where each side has has a give in it. Again you guys have got to understand it’s not just or just the other. It’s two things combined into one and of you don’t like the fact that one side has to give. Then you may want to look into another game as it’s how it has to work. You cannot eat the whole pie and starve the other side, it simply will not work.

Feels like another grind expac, so may not be interested this go around, they ground me out, already feel the boredom vibe kicking in.


I found that some of these abilities are lack luster. Like mages get to turn into skeletal mages for the Necrolords. But paladins only get an AoE damage for bastion. Why can’t they turn into a Valkyr for a time. Or maybe burst into holy fire. I think a lot of these abilities would be more exciting if they were more than just a new button to push. Give us something new to look at that shows our bond with the Covenant of choice

It is honestly funny how out of touch with the mythic raiding scene you are. So many people seem to think that if you are not a top 10 World raider this stuff doesnt matter but nothing could be further from the truth. At ANY level of raiding being able to do even a little bit more dps or have a bit more survival can make a huge difference for your team and your progression as a squad. Making a push timing or not making a push timing can be super punishing in progression and regardless of what level you raid if you raid seriously you are going to want to get as much out of your character as possible.

The real issue here is this is a wonderful idea and has some amazing fantasy to it but if you tie player power to this choice you are creating this experience that should be based upon feel and personal inclination and essentially turning it into a cold and callous mathmatical equation.

If you have 1 covenant that does “x” % more dps than all of the others how many people do you think will be that particular covenant?

I can not stress this enough we LOVE the idea and fantasy of the whole expansion. Just dont make us leave the space of immersion to try to have the most powerful character.


The main worry I have with this system is in a MMOrpg your choice can not only negatively impact you BUT everyone one else. The last thing I want to do is negatively impact the people that I play with.

Which is why the tag MMO is different than just RPG. in RPGs you don’t have to worry about what you chose affecting other people. In MMOs it will affect other people.

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Covenants, azerite gear redone in another way. You guys seriously just love to make the game fight the player. At least this time it’s not random on gear. Make it only world related with no bearing in pvp or pve (like garrison abilities in WoD), and this’ll be fine.

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To everybody complaining about making a roleplaying choice versus a numbers choice:

This is a choice you get to make. I think as long as they offer some way to re-spec your covenant choice, there is no problem with what I see here. Yes, some covenants offer better perks for PVE or PVP, or for one role over another. This is a roleplaying choice you are expected to make for your player, and if you want to make it as a numbers choice, then I just want to remind you that every light-forsaken system they’ve added to give roleplaying flavor to characters with numbers attached to it has fallen into this same trap:

If you want to play WOW as a numbers game where you need to optimize your DPS or mitigation or procs or whatever, you may have to make choices in your talents or garrison or order hall or war campaign or azerite powers or Covenant that do not fit the character concept you want to be playing, just because they give you the numbers you need to be good at the role you play.

If you want to play it as a character game where you choose things for your enjoyment, you may not be the best numerically at your role, but it may be more fun for you to not be the top of the charts as long as you can stay true to your character concept.

There will always be some split between roleplaying choices and numerical superiority choices. I don’t expect Blizzard to try and balance these to numerical equivalence, and I don’t want Blizz to give access to every covenant to every character.

I’d propose the following: Each character can align with two Covenants. One is a primary covenant, chosen at level 50 as you venture into the Shadowlands. You cannot easily change your primary covenant alignment, and gain full access to the Covenant and Covenant+Class abilities of that covenant as you level.

Around level 55, you are given an option to form a pact with a second Covenant. This pact will allow you to get access to Covenant+Class abilities for the second covenant, and can be changed later. If or when you change your secondary covenant pact, you lose the features of the former pact and gain the features of your new pact.

You would not gain the primary covenant feature(s) of a pact covenant, only the class-related features, and depending on how they play out exactly (If there are tiered class features, for example), you might only get lesser access than PCs who use this covenant as their primary covenant.

rip warriors being forced into kyrian or maldraxxus so far are the only 2 viable choices kyrian prot,
maldraxxus for dps

This whole “class identity” thing and unpruning missed a class. The rogues (((:

We are the supposed kings of CC, burst and utility, but I feel we have been sorely powercrept on over the years as other classes have had upgrades to their toolkits, while the constant pruning has left us with some weird mechanics.

These days it is hard to stay in range of the target, and I don’t think the blinking ambush from sub or blinking evisc from outlaw is the right way to go (sorry the names escape me, I have not played in a long time). Rogues are supposed to be melee fighters, once we get a hold of you, you die. Or at least almost die. That’s the trade off from having poor movement, whilst other classes can easily run away. High control instead, and burst that is balanced because it requires skill to set up. That’s at least what I loved about being a rogue.

So, since we are all about the openers, everyone needs to have Garrote, Ambush and Cheap Shot. It is iconic. I’m even fine with CS generating only 1 CP, because the stun is powerful enough and this offers more choice - do I want more cps with ambush, or does he need to be stunned or silenced. Some in these forums argue having a silence is too strong, but… it’s what we always had. Guess what, we don’t spend much time in Stealth, that’s the balancing factor.

Because of how much utility other classes have, and entertaining the idea of rogues not having teleport built into certain abilities, this is why Preperation would be nice to get back. A mage for example has multiple blinks and ice barriers, shields, a wide range of slows and stuns and insane damage. So the idea of me having a double vanish just doesn’t seem so strange in comparison. Sorry that’s the best I got on this one.

Dismantle is another cool lost utility. Sure it’s a pvp talent now, but it’s actually useful in more instances than PvP. It only affects certain classes which makes this niche = good. More niche abilities are needed and creates more situations in PvP = greater the fun. Less abilities in PvP = less content for us PvPers. Hence, the unpruning. And this is one of those abilities I think would be healthy to have back in the game for all 3 specs.

Rupture… Yes, it’s a DoT. Nothing special. But you ever considered a rogue other than assassin would be able to cause a bleed? It’s nice to have more spenders, as I have argued in other threads, and being able “mark” stealthers with Rupture so they can’t run away is something that feels extremely crippling that I no longer can do.

Disarm traps also felt very crippling when it was pruned in WoD. I could still see hunter traps, but not being able to do anything about them just felt… stupid? It can’t hardly be considered an ability bloat and it was something rogues had to offer that was unique to us, along with pick lock.

SnD = More energy, more attacks/white dmg (which used to be a big chunk of dmg for us - idk how it works these days, but heard a streamer say it works differently now) and ofc more poison applications. Especially important for us combat rogues with our clunky swords, that poison application was helpful. Sure it’s “boring upkeep” but as many have explained it’s a good ability to set up for a kill and it’s good choice for a spender.

Gauge = Iconic ability we always had, everyone should have it. Nuff said really.

Right, onto…


RtB on a cooldown = good improvement. But this ability was supposed to offer us diverse gameplay, something which it has never been able to deliver. All it’s done is cause grief as players try to min/max. Make the rolls actually impact how you play, or leave well enough alone.

Don’t make them flat out buffs because those buffs can likely never be equal to one another. I suggest you only get ONE buff at all times, and the whole roll is just more of an RP thing. Or, the roll impacts how strong it is or how many combo points you must spend to gain whatever perk you gained.

Or it could work like this for example: You roll nr 4. Maybe using a non-damaging spender also did damage = 4 spent combo points used on Eviscerate. This seems fair to me, I think… Or it could flat out give me 4 combo points. Having a random combo generator on a long cd does not seem too OP to me, at least. Especially considering it would be extremely random from 1-5 cps, and it would be more like a nice little extra thing instead of you worrying about what buffs you’re gonna get. But what do I know.

If more spenders would come back baseline, then I’d honestly say Outlaw might be looking quite nice, however… There’s one thing lacking, though. The burst damage.

Back in MoP when I still had fun, our burst was Shadow Blades, AR and Killing Spree. These had quite long cooldowns and was nowhere near the burst of sub rogues, but it was enough to make me feel powerful and to hold my ground so that I could go toe to toe with other classes.

Evasion coming back is a huge win to return to this playstyle. Without shadow blades though, AR on its own never did so much damage. It was more good for pumping out more attacks in pve. And now i see AR has been gimped as well, and forget killing spree - that stuff died in WoD (to me, anyway). Perhaps it’s just time that Outlaw got another burst button altogether? Or simply empower AR to be more of what it was back in “the good days”.

Lastly, the talents… What the heck are those?? I don’t think I’ve heard a single person say those are good choices of talents. None of them feel fun or inspiring. Alacrity is the most yawn thing I’ve ever seen in my life… Surely there’s plenty of fun things that you can give us other than that.

For any dev reading I desperately beg of you to look into rogue forums for more feedback and constructive critivism, and hopefully you’ll reconsider your stance on rogues.

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Some of the ideas sounds fairly even among the classes, with some classes getting an ability that gives them an opportunity to try new things or give dmg that would normally be reserved for another class, like if warriors align with priests they get some arcane dmg. Right now, the only thing that stands out to me is that mage’s get skeletal warrior…only my worst class is a mage, but maybe it might give me an incentive to try it more because I won’t lie skeletal mage sounds cool.DK seem to have alot of good options, think the death and decay replace is a good option.

Fae’s seem a better option if you are a druid (I mostly play druid/shaman as my mains).I do kind of miss having a permanent totem, but maybe one of the new totem abilities will help.I’m curious to know what the other two abilities might be for shamans. Aside from that, it sounds about even among the classes with some options for doing stuff not normally attuned for your class.

I also play a warlock,and doesn’t it seem a little wrong mage’s get skeleton mage but warlocks only get blasts of orbs and nothing to any of their pets? I mean sure putting on curses helps, but I’d rather have either a new pet or an add-on form to my lock pets, so I’m not sure if the warlock abilities sound like any regular spell a lock might cast. I’m not saying it has to be super strong, but we haven’t seen too many variations with the lock pets for awhile, aside from our ‘beholder’ in affliction. i always wondered why the 4 armed legion chicks were taken out back in cataclysm I think? Or maybe something themed for shadowlands (I haven’t seen the new enemies to understand the lore there yet).

I hope there might be a little more variety there. I do think maybe a slight change for the netherlords I think needs to be a little more ‘scary’ I think (as it’s set up I think it just plays out like an alt. of chaos orb or bolt, so maybe another look at that idea might be nice).

You are a warlock aligning with a powerful side right (I think netherlords is what I would choose with lock unless…and I think the other power of going invisible as a warlock could be great fun! And give me an advantage I don’t normally have as a lock, so I might pick vampire for that, but I guess we’d have to pick and choose one). I think aligning with the vampire ppl or the netherlords really makes the most sense if you are a lock, but I like that you can choose to pick something different if you want.

Is there no swapping of these abilities once you pick them, are you set in stone for vampire or nether once you pick them, and does it act like a ‘rep’ grind once you choose? I guess that’s the only thing I’m confused about, otherwise things sound good and about what I imagine for these classes. Hunters might could use some additional thinking too, I don’t see anything new that would ‘wow’ most hunters all I see are reductions in cooldowns, but no additional traps or oils, how about a temporary shadow pet, that would actually be pretty cool and seem to fit the theme, it could have a short duration so it won’t be super powered. I mean things sound good so far, but a few areas could use a little re-thinking.

I would like to add some constructive criticism to this system. I think the idea comes from a great place and I applaud these new, unique abilities. Your creativity is appreciated. There is, however, a very big problem with this system. Many expansions ago, you realized that people want to be able to play more than one spec. You removed the cost for swapping specs and then made it possible to change specs at any time. Since then, you’ve made it very difficult to actually use these other specs. In legion, we had to farm legendaries. If you were unable to get the ones you wanted right away, you had to keep waiting to try to build your legendary sets for your second or even third/fourth specs. This problem was finally fixed at the end of the expansion with currency. In BFA, we had problems with Azerite. The biggest problem was limited access to these pieces. The next largest issue, stemming from the rarity of these items was the reforging costs. Thus limiting our ability to play alternate specs.

Now in Shadowlands, it’s happening again. Now, it’s not just limited to making the other specs harder to use, it’s making different game play harder to access. A prime example is the Death Knight class. If a DK chooses Night Fae for Death’s Due for use in M+, this is only useful as Unholy in M+. In Arenas, DnD has one use: getting lucky and removing players from stealth. No one uses DnD rotationally because it is the easiest mechanic to move out of. This is a horrible pick in this regard. As the description of Death’s Due is listed right now, it doesn’t have any play with Frost whatsoever. This appears to be a complete waste if a DK were to change specs. Swarming Mist for the Venthyr seems great for a single talent in the Frost tree (Breath of Sindragosa) and possibly Blood DK. Outside of that, it’s generally a poor pick. My point is, not only do these covenants lock us into a spec or even talent choice, they lock us into specific types of gameplay. It’s starting to seem like we won’t be able to play unique alts. We’ll need to play alts of the same class. In my opinion, this idea seems great at first, but is going to be awful in execution and is going to have a negative impact on the game. This seems like a choice that will only make casual players happy that want to make a choice based on cosmetics. The vast majority of players with a semi-competitive bearing is going to dislike this system and feel locked in, rather than free to experience the game and all facets of its end-game content.


A little concerning that there has been no further communication / requests for feedback on this subject from a blue since the this thread was created (7th April).

Some fantastic ideas have been proposed by customers on this forum on how the system can be improved. Having an ongoing dialogue with the CMs and developers on such ideas would be really valuable.

I think at least some recognition that this is a controversial topic / system and providing their customers with some insight on what they are considering internally would be a good idea.

Going dark until release on Covenants would be a repeat of how Blizzard handled alpha feedback on BFA. Please don’t do that again.

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I really like the look of this. Already planning which alts will go where because I want access to these cosmetics. On the competitive side I see how this could be super annoying.

Personally I think there’s nothing wrong with making choices you have to live with. Choosing between cosmetics and numbers is a valid choice also. This whole thing seems to be giving you ways to individualize you character. The way I see it it’s just like picking mage over paladin. Sure it would be nice to have the skills of both but that’s not this game and shouldn’t be in my opinion.

One thing I would consider is giving players a pool of abilities for PvP and keep these out of it. No turn on war mode for them either. Dungeons and mythic runners should just make a choice and live with it. I’m afraid by the end of this expansion this choice will end up just being cosmetic. Even if Blizzard takes no player feedback on this they have a tendency to homogenize things.

I hope they don’t and I also hope players welcome crafting the character they want. Not one found on a how to webpage. I’m sure some are super against not getting it all on command but I think this would be quite cool for individuality. Taking the specs with the covenant plus the class.

That’s a nice start of customizing classes we’ve not ever had. I’d like more but it’s no wonder Blizzard had chosen to bring the player not the class before. A much more interesting game when choices matter. I’m guilty too. I main a spec because the one I really want sucks since Legion. Keep hoping it improves but I’m not dissatisfied with the current spec so it’s all good.


LOL realms of debt…that goblin joke made my day. Always a goblin crackin me up.

Speaking of ‘racial’ appeal, one thing has always bothered me about night elfs, namely “shadowstep” which can be good for warriors, but if you are a rogue or druid (one of my ally char is a NE), so shadowstep to me is entirely worthless as a racial ability. But like many I like the look of the night elf and made it before I unlocked some other ‘elf’ looks like void elf. I may end up switching races just because shadowstep is useless with druid/rogues…and honestly I think another skill should replace it so it doesn’t waste your racial ability.

Here is the problem. You want us to make a choice so we do. Time goes by and maybe we want to focus on mythic or pvp but we picked the covenant based off raids. So now we have to essentially farm something that will take a month if not longer to change. Say we do that and time goes by and a new raid is release. Man I want to do that now but my I have to go back and farm the same covenant I dropped. That’s where people quit the game because you’re not letting them do what they want. You’re making them choose between mythic,pvp,raid at the very start of the game. Majority will pick covenants based off abilities rather than looks and that’s a flawed system. I hate to say it but shadowlands is looking like another repeat unless you either scrap covenants or change your thought process. Here’s a few options.

  1. Make it so covenant abilities are tied to the open world only which makes them irrelevant to some degree.

  2. Untie character power to covenants end of story.

  3. You want us to make a choice that’s fine. If you want to keep covenants giving us strong abilities you need to give us a way to flip back in forth without a boring time sink. Back in the day it used to cost us gold to flip talent trees and it would double every single time with end of the month resets. This is actually better than your current plan even though it would be annoying.

  4. Keep covenants and make them 100% all about cosmetics.


Form&Function vs Style Keep it Simple Stupid… Make Style is account wide reward unlock become part of Covant and exalted rep transmog unlockable all armor classes and classes and Form&Function is why I pick Covant is because the “COVENANT SIGNATURE ABILITIES” a alt can unlock Kyrian for style when a main can pick covenant like Venthyr for its abilities Simple esay fix and add more play customize into game 1 man 3 alts and unlock everything style wise and pick covenants you want Simple Fix and Esay fix!

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How do you not see it being problematic when you picked the worst ability and now others are being invited to groups over you?