[News] Death Knights for All Races Preview

I love Chains of Ice spam.

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You and me are friends now.

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I think that got left behind in Legion and their presence is meant to put some extra Ooomph into the AR player’s ascension.

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Remember that in Legion, Darion was NOT happy about working with the Lich King again. They’re probably there when new DKs are created to make sure that Bolvar isn’t trying to take over where Arthas left off, and then they’re off doing their own thing.

The Four Horsemen… I don’t think they’re so much Bolvar’s elite forces. Ebon Blade elite forces for sure, but I doubt they’re at Bolvar’s beckoned call.

Mm, technicality. The player DK raised him channeling the Lich King’s power through their artifact weapon. The player DK could not have risen him without the Lich King.

I do remember that, but it was stated before raising the four horsemen and before he himself was re-raised as a horseman.

Its possible…

I disagree, it was Bolvar’s desire to raise new horsemen and the Deathlord was tasked with doing it and in the end Darion was raised as one as well.

I would actually have to wonder if sending them after Tirion’s body was not just Bolvar setting Darion up into a position where he could be re-raised.

Could be wrong, perhaps Darion is still not on team Bolvar, but I am not sure what post-horseman Darion’s view is.

Or maybe its after the artifact weapons got drained and Bolvar knew something was going down with Sylvanas and they agreed they needed to bolster their ranks since she is the biggest threat to the order of all things.

“All new Death Knight characters will receive the iconic Archerus Deathcharger class mount after completing the introductory questline, with Allied Race Death Knights also receiving their racial mount (pandaren racial mounts will still need to be purchased from a vendor). Heritage Armor for pandaren and Allied Races characters can be obtained by leveling to 110.”

Panda Heritage armor confirmed 8.3

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Being at ICC at a particular moment doesn’t mean they stick around there all the time. In fact, it would be weird if they did. They don’t work for the Lich King. They’re just part of an organization that sometimes meets with and coordinates with Bolvar (lead by the original-DK-race players in Legion).

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I think it TOTALLY was.

I don’t think he is. We were sending him out on missions via the mission table left and right in Legion. I think he still holds the position of “the Deathlord leads the Ebon Blade, not the Lich King, and so I will follow the Deathlord.”

I thought they were going to surprise us with it in 8.3. Guess I was wrong :pensive:

It was confirmed at Blizzcon that the entire fourth generation of DKs are being raised in preparation of Sylvanas’s attack, and Darion has VO in the files that shows he’s present for all of it. The Ebon Blade’s standing against her, not necessarily with him.


You make a good point considering she created a huge breach above ICC that tore open the barrier between the land of the living and the land of the dead.

(wiggles with anticipation)



I will use your hooves for house slippers if you touch a single hair or gear on their heads.

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Oh I thought there was going to be a new mount. My bad.


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You and me and undoubtedly many others

Be pretty hard to touch a single hair on their heads with all that Dep Flex hold they use. :rofl:

Well, if that’s the case, then I suppose that would make him then like every other leader-boss type thing that exists in WoW. (Letting his most powerful guardians get picked off in the lower levels of his base before facing his attacker on his own).

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In Legion, the death knight campaign made the deathlord feel like a puppet, just proxying the lich king’s instructions.

It will be sort of wierd to go from this scene to leveling through Legion and raising them … but I guess once Shadowlands comes, all pre-BfA expansions will be (lorewise) demoted to a sort of timewalking/vision thing?


So Pandarens, they start as Neutral. I wonder how they will sort that out. When you do the starter quests for DKs…you’d have to pick for which faction I guess.