Newly Announced M1 CPU

Did you happen to crank the setting up further to test? i’m curious to see where the actual cliff is in terms of FPS.

Sorry, it’s not me. Just forwarding the message here.

That frame rate in Ogimmar is kinda disappointing, especially on 5

Mind pointing us toward the actual reddit thread?

I actually posted it lol:

Another M1 review. I’m about to hit the ”buy” button.

Thanks! Sorry…been one of those days.

For comparison I set my game to graphics setting 5 and logged into Orgrimmar with tons of people online. Getting roughly 100FPS on my Mac mini with external GPU (RX5700) at 2560x1440 resolution.

I meant, I am the author who posted it haha, you good. Didn’t expect the apple reddit be so excited about it. More upvotes than actual M1 reviews.

Have a couple of questions:

  1. What happens if you switch to Windowed (vs Windowed: Fullscreen)?
  2. Try turn off VSync?

Sorry, I was just using TL3 powers to embed the quoted link. I don’t have an M1 Mac to test with.

I found a video of some one with the base MacBook air with the 7 GPU

It is only the starting area but shows their settings

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Feedback on gaming performance at 5:25

Why is that Air doing as well at 10 as the Mini is at 5? I wonder if the Mini video was still running the Intel client under Rosetta 2? Also, a smaller monitor. Still, that’s a big difference.

ETA: Oh, jeez. The Air is running under Rosetta 2.

Hrm. That screenshot shows running “Default”, which is not the same as running 1:1 native resolution (there’s that Retina trickery again). I wonder what the framerates would be setting Window Size to match the resolution (which is also ironically the only way to get rid of blurring of text).

The resolution + scale is all you need to pay attention to (that’s what the game world is rendering at).

I got my MacBook Pro M1 today. Fornite is playing like 100+ 1080p. I am going to install WOW in a sec and see what that looks like. I’d say the performance of this GPU is on par with probably a 1050 or a 1060. While not “staggering” for the date/time of posting, it’s pretty insane they eeked out this kind of performance on an iGPU.

  • Disclaimer: I am an Apple employee.


50-80’ish FPS in Stormwind right now in WOW Classic. Maybe I should say this iGPU is more on par with the 1650-MaxQ tbh. It’s really scary how good this thing is. Although I’m not looking at it in a vacuum, I’m aware there are OBVIOUSLY better solutions out there. But given the heat it generates, the multi-core score, the 10-15% real world difference in single-core over Intel CPUs in MacBooks this isn’t bad. And it’s only gonna get better with future revisions.


I’ve ordered the same machine. I’m eager to hear what you get with the native 9.x client once you’ve got it.

Yeah I just ordered the base model since I assumed WOW is primarily a CPU bound game and there after that, CPU. In my exp the game only chugs more than 3-4 gigs of RAM unless there a broke add-on somewhere. So I stuck with 8. I might regret that though, IDK. The way they have the memory right inside the M1 chip though is intriguing, it doesn’t have as far to go to get things in and out of RAM now.

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