Newish Casual Normal Raiding guild (Elevator Boss)

Elevator Boss (find the pink totem tabard in guild finder)… casual guild running normal raid every Saturday 9pm EST. Come hang out with cool, mostly mature, people.

We have a core group of 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 1-3 active dps atm. So mostly look for dps, but happy to invite anyone who is cool. We also do m+ delves and other silly things too

Hey - would love to chat. Are you looking for anything specific or need more of in the Ranged/Melee department?

Would love to join but cant see you guys in the guild finder ( not sure why )
but you can add me on bnet @ ekro#1796

add me on discord ActioNNNN#8306

hey, since we are still pretty casual, we dont need anything specific at all and we actually encourage you to play whatever you, yourself, enjoy playing most… so you are welcome to bring anything and everything! :slight_smile:

Is it Alliance or Horde? I cant find it in the guild finder as Alliance

that strange you cant fine it, its horde based but we do have alliance people in it

I just realized i had my classic priest selected in forums, hopefully i didnt confuse you… its a retail guild called Elevator Boss

I made an in-game request to join your community on avulpura, thanks for the update

Hey i dont see your application to the guild, my Bnet is Xaleon#11788, shoot me a message when you are free and we will try and figure this out :slight_smile:

I just tried again; I can see your guild in the finder (on the server and cross), but it just will not accept. Sent a btag request