New/fresh servers pointless now

can’t tell if sarcasm


Couldn’t they just disable boosts on characters on the fresh servers? Keep in mind there is only one boost per account too. I think they should tie it to credit card number to prevent people from having a 60 of every class due to multiple accounts

I pay for three accounts, only one of which I play. My kids don’t get their boost? Hard pass.

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Submit birth certificates to blizzard to prove - problem solved


If they do fresh servers for Classic those are boost free because apparently the boosts are for TBC. That alone has me excited for possible Fresh Vanilla Classic realms because it’s to me just seems like Fresh classic realms are a logical path going forward.


Personally how I’d do it is one mega server for PvE and one for PvP then a fresh server for each as well

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Yes, because having populations 3 to 10 fold of the original numbers didn’t cause any issues at all.

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From what I’ve seen like 3-5% of the playerbase is interested in remaining classic…without a mega server we aren’t going to be finding raid or dungeon groups or even groups for Elite quests

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I saw that they may be doing grouped realms like many retail servers are.

How this works is, it’s basically server mergers but you keep your name and your realm name is included in chat same as in Battleground.

This way there are more names to go around.

Yeah, I saw that too. Thoroughly disgusting idea in my opinion. Personal preference of course but I’m so hoping they do not go that route with Vanilla Classic. I hate the idea running around with a tacky tag after my name. Especially on a RP server. Yuck. shudders

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Would be nice to do away with the stupid hyphens.


FRESH server implies

No transfers
No boosts

Try again


Most of the community is against boosts as well, we don’t need fresh servers to be anti-boosts. Please stop with the red herrings and attempts to bring unrelated topics into the fresh camp.

We the community are seeing through to your true motives, which have nothing to do with fairness, and everything to do with handicapping others for your benefit.


“The game is already over”

Only to an egotistical tryhard whose only purpose is to get a server 1st or dominate the economy.

Your own words expose your true motives.

instead try:

People who were against layering
and Gold buying (GDKP gang ENDORSE it by incorporating the bought advantage INTO the gearing scheme. If you want to talk about dominating a server…)

FRESH SERVERS will be MORE popular.

Thats why you sweaty nerds are terrified people won’t be forced to play on your lame servers, with lame discords, and even lamer GDKP culture.


Even if Blizz hands out “fresh” servers, I don’t think that’s going to stop them from implementing this. Using your own words:

Blizz’s stance is so that players are not waiting in Ques nor fighting too much over mobs. I don’t think your push for “fresh” is going to “fix” that for you.

MBers will still exist, even in “fresh”. Unless Blizz completely disables players from MBing, entirely, “fresh” doesn’t stop MBing.

Again, “fresh” isn’t going to put an “end” to “Gold Buying” nor “GDKP”.

“Fresh” will be the Servers of your dreams until it stales out, and you’re back at hating it, again.

“Fresh” isn’t going to “fix” your problems, sorry :woman_shrugging:

Blizzard isn’t offering a boost in Classic. Servers that don’t get TBC will not get the boost. Blizzard has stated that. Blizzard is offering a boost to the TBC expansion – a boost to the LOWEST LEVEL of the new expansion. Just like the offered a boost in Legion and BFA…to the lowest level in the new expansion.

There is no such thing as a “boost to max level”. Not in WoW.

Fresh is not pointless. Fresh is already building in demand and will soon reach critical mass.