Fresh server

How are you honestly confused?


If blizzard had actually developed classic at launch instead of wiping egg off of their face and figuring a way to swing BFA->SL, then fresh may not be needed.

Yes, a fresh server will be played, and then over time, NOT BE FRESH. AMAZING skepticism.

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Won’t happen at launch unless they have population issues.

They MIGHT make a couple after launch for both Classic and TBC Classic. They kind of hinted that might be a possibility, but I wouldn’t count on it at launch.

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Can you share your source of that hint? I’ve been looking for a clip of it and have yet to find it

So, what’s the point of it, when it’s no longer “fresh”? Just enjoy the Servers for a few weeks before it becomes the “garbage” that you hate, and you cry for more “fresh” servers? :woman_shrugging:

EDIT: You helped me asked another question, for my thread. Editing that in, now.



but I do NOT want to play on a server with them (gold buyers, bots multiboxxers) from all the earlier phases.

a FRESH server where the NEW players can BUILD THE REALM.

a used up, prepper mega server with busted economy and 0 management from the dev team planning how this will affect the new release.

Not everyone has to play with me, and I don’t care if the FRESH is “low” . Just like people who wanted to play RP-PVP came and made their voice heard because their server wasn’t available at original launch…


I understand you find it “fun”, that’s not my question.

In order for that to happen, is Blizz has to disable MBers from MBing and try to discourage players from buying gold. Your “fresh” is NOT going to stop these people from “playing with you” (as you put it). These players (that buy gold, bot and/or MB) WILL travel to these “fresh” servers, at the VERY jump. Your “fresh” isn’t going to stop that.

They’ve “built” the other servers, though :thinking:

Your “fresh” isn’t going to be Gold Buying, Bot, MBing, etc., free, like you think it’s going to be.

This goes against your prior statement, from another thread:

So which is it? At least be consistent :woman_shrugging:

Anyhoot, “fresh” is only “fresh” for a small duration. Once it becomes the “garbage” that you hate, what then? Cry for more “fresh”? :thinking:

A fresh server would be hella fun, to be completely honest I don’t think I would play on these busted carry over servers that they’ll be releasing.

I think it would create allot of hype. there is a big demand for fresh servers. just look at this forum and youtube.

IDC how “big” nor “small” the demand is. I’m asking VERY simple and basic questions. What is “fresh”? What happens, when the “fresh” servers become the “garbage” that you hate? Ask for more “fresh” servers? What is it?

EDIT: These details are important, in order for Blizz to implement, these questions need to be answered.

EDIT 2: I don’t understand why some (not all) think “fresh” is going to be Bot-Free, Gold-Buying Free, MBing-Free, etc. It’s hysterical, actually.

I have what you say right now (not quite gold cap) and want fresh TBC, so yeah, I’d probably take the fresh WOTLK too. I say probably because I don’t know what items/gear carries over, what server populations will be like, what my friends will be doing etc.

Not sure where this word “fair” came from. You quoted it but nobody above you used it. Odd.

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A fresh server would feel completely different from a normal progression server

  • There would be no boosted 58’s
  • There wouldn’t be literally a endless gold supply thrown into the game at launch

Yes I understand your bot argument, I completely agree. everyone knows blizzard is bad at managing bots and gold selling.
I don’t think this is a good enough argument to not have a fresh server.

Even with bots in the game it would feel more fresh and be a all around healthier server than normal progression servers.

" I’m asking VERY simple and basic questions. What is “fresh”?"

Here’s a simple answer, It’s a fresh server where everyone starts at level 1. no boosts. no transfer to the server.


This isn’t a “fresh” thing, though. It’s a “disable Level 58 Boosts” thing. I’m not really for “fresh”, but I would love to see the Level 58 Boost not be a thing in BC.

But overtime, it will, so I just don’t get it :woman_shrugging:

I agree with that. What I don’t agree with is some (not all) utilizing said reasons of “bot-free”, “gold buying-free”, “MBing-free”, etc., arguments because that’s just not true. Using lies aren’t very good arguments to push for “fresh”, when “fresh” isn’t going to “fix” the issues, that you think “fresh” is going to fix.

It’s “fresh” PLUS “disabling features that some (not all) don’t like”. This is why it’s confusing. Because I don’t want certain features enabled, either. But, I’m not really interested in “fresh”, either.

Don’t waste time with Piper. It’s either ESL or legitimately lacks reading comprehension.

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I can answer those questions.

Fresh means a newly created server. So a fresh TBC server is a newly created server that has the Outland gate opened from day 1.

I don’t hate current servers. I hate what TBC will inevitably be like on them. It doesn’t matter what happens from day 1 onwards ona fresh TBC server because I’d be experiencing the game the way I wanted to.

I kind of agree with you here. I’m happy they’re supporting the idea of a fresh TBC server but at the same time, wish they’d put stronger points forth. I’ve only noticed a select few that think that way though.

And, everyone is level one, right? I mean, I get and understand that. It just gets weird and abstract, when you dig deeper into other people’s reasonings for “fresh” which is why it’s important to come into an agreement for “fresh”.

That’s you, though. See, others (not you) aren’t making this argument. You see where the problem is happening? So many have their own idea on what “fresh” is, it’s hard to make the “fresh” that EVERYBODY wants because everybody has their own idea in what “fresh” even is.

Hence, why I said “some (not all)”. Because only some (not all) feel a certain way which is why I’m asking these questions, to get a better understanding to come to a compromise, that some (not all) have to take “Ls” on.

Oh good, so we can “not waste time” on those in favor for “fresh”, right? What a great way to gain supporters :+1:

You’re right. If fresh TBC servers become a reality, a lot of casual players are going to be faced with a harsh reality. Fresh servers attract some of the most meta, min/max, AH manipulating, speed clearing hardcore players out there. And then other hardcore players see a chance for competition and join in too. It’s a wave.

The main difference being, it began at point 1 rather than point 60 or whatever. So phase 1 and 2 will be a different experience but by phase 3 and 4, you’ve become a lot more like every other server. But that’s okay, it’s a community that shaped itself from nothing rather than carried over from 2 years of pre-existing. There will always be that feeling of difference throughout its TBC life and that’s a big draw-card for many, including me.

weird and abstract? It’s so simple. plain as day

we want a fresh tbc launch experience.

We don’t want boosts on our server
We don’t want players running around with gold cap at launch
We don’t want players running around with full BiS at launch
We want the struggle! we love TBC and we want the healthiest launch possible.

Progression servers are not going to be as healthy as a fresh server
As we speak right now gold is being farmed. items hoarded on a unprecedented level. tbc is ruined and it hasn’t even started yet.


Care to talk more about this?

Until there is a fresh server, yes. got a problem with that?

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I wasn’t against BC being “fresh”, either BTW. When it launches just have it be “fresh” without the Boost, ofc. Let’s be realistic here, “fresh” wasn’t going to stop Layering, MBing, Bots, etc. I just wanted a “fresh” BC completely separate from Classic. That’s me, though.

At level 1, right? And not 60?

I don’t agree with the Level 58 Boost, either. See, there are players who want to take their Classic 60s into BC, just like it happened, when it first launched, instead of starting over. I wouldn’t have minded 60s coming over, if you played in Classic, since you played in Classic. I just don’t agree with the Level 58 Boost because it wasn’t played in Classic.

Gold Cap or not, the original BC Game had players bring their progressed characters over into BC. So, what you’re asking for is a “fresh” and a “disable”. Two different things, and I’m telling you that they’re two different things. So, instead of being aggressive towards me, retract your claws and understand and be like “OK, well, yes, I want ‘fresh’, along with disabling the Level 58 boost”. That’s it. Not complicated :slightly_smiling_face:

I understand that you don’t want that, but it’s not EVERYONE. Plus, in the original BC, that’s how Players came into BC, but I get it, you want “fresh” all the way.

It’s VERY subjective in what people mean, when they say “healthy”.

Again, subjective.

Subjective, and players have ALWAYS “prepared” for every new expansion. This isn’t some new concept but OK :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you going to answer my question:

Care to talk more about this?