Newer RPer looking for guild

I have tried RP in WoW before, but had trouble keeping up with the more experienced ones. Is there a guild that would take in my poor Night Elf and help her learn the ropes?

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Hello friend, The Ashen Vale might be what you’re looking for. [A] <The Ashen Vale> - RP, PVE and more! ✨ - #67 by Fayara-grobbulus

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I am willing to realm xfer. My mains are DK and DH, but I am not sure how they might be in RP. I have mage, rogue, and hunter.

Our mentality here is as long as you’re having fun, it doesn’t really matter what you play. Fun is always the goal. Our GM, officers, and RPrs are awesome in helping players new to RP. GL!

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I will xfer one tonight and try to contact someone. Thanks!

Hi! I’m the GM of TAV and would be happy to chat with you about joining. Your name seems familiar, were you on ED before? I think you may have been with us before :slight_smile:

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I was quite some time ago, but just wasn’t very good at the RP and ended up leaving the game. I am wanting to give it a real chance this time.