Ok, What I have noticed, since maybe the last 2 updates, is newcome chat is now virtually non existant, …
I get when your level 20 your silently but quickly auto out of newcomer chat…
But it should’nt be account wide, just charecter wide, Now when you make a new either lv 1 or level 10, You will Not see newcomer or be put into newcomer chat, at first ok maybe it a bug ?, …
But after logging an alt in a city n asking in trade, I had 2 wispers n 1-2 responses in trade chat, test it out, that too said they’re level 10 test toon also could not see newcome chat o.O wt ??
Look Blizz, wee need to interaction of knowledgeble guides n such type, ppl are getting to lv 70 , either using boosters, or really quick leveling, and still dont have a clue what to do with gear or getting stuck on dungeon knowledge n things, sure they could use theyre phone to google or duck duck go search or alt tab out, if your potato doesn’t mine that,
Why have the limit anyway, regardless of level people will need to be able to a guide, or someone whose has the knowledge,
Ohhh sure after level 20 people can choose to be a guide to " get access" back, but I haven’t played long enough and neither have a lot of others to be able give ther info ppl are looking for
So has it gone completely then ?
The restrictions are good - if they didn’t exist, newcomer chat would be a cesspool like every other channel.
Don’t get me wrong, I love channels that are cesspools - just not newcomer chat. The sprouts are sacred, and must be shielded from the depravation until they are all grown up.
Sounds like you need to spread your wings little birdie! Good luck, have fun!
That’s not the issue here …
The thing is due to blizz’s rediculous speed leveling now which is what is feels like, theyre’s going to be lv 70’s without a clue what to do, and lv 5 - 20’s who can’t ever ask a question in new comer chat because it wont ever show up again, and the guides who volunteered their time n knowledge to help people , …
Sure people could join a guild, if one ever even started recruiting, but a lot of those guild in guild and communites tab are fairly dead, and if you did get an invite from one, n asked question you’d either get no replies because no one talks, or just replies don’t know
So anyone with a lv 20 + wont b e allowed to speak in newcomer chat , because it now longer there, But prior to the last 2 updates it was there, regardless of level, been trying to find and read thru any updates to see what they did , regarding that …
wowhead becomes your friend if they have stopped the chat, i feel sorry for new players because there now is no structure to how they level so lore becomes a jumbled mess depending where they level