Newbie on lore

I read Warcraft is like… big story. I only know Warcraft game since… II, and it was around PC time.

When did Warcraft started? Does it have any reference with Lotr?

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The only LotR reference would just be in the generic fantasy of it all. A lot of fantasy has roots there. And I’m sure there’s some quests that might cheekily reference it the same way there are quests that reference Indiana Jones and various song titles and the like. But no direct reference to the universe/lore of LotR.

Some might say that WoW’s story is not as good as other MMOs like FFXIV is often brought up. But as I read through the books and pay more attention to the story, I am finding it enjoyable. There are dozens of novels that you could read if lore is your interest, and lots of videos on YouTube that delve into the lore as well.

As for when it started, I believe it was with Warcraft: Orcs & Humans RTS game in 1994. Which may actually be more influenced by things like Warhammer than LotR.


Every modern fantasy traces at least some of it’s roots back to Tolkien, but Warcraft is a direct descendant (see: shameless rip off) of Warhammer which ended up turning into it’s own thing due to it’s success with Orcs and Humans back in 1994/5.

I started with WC2 so… okay, well, all high fantasy draws upon LotR. The influence is there, it’s inevitable. But no, as much as the Lich King looks and has a name that sounds like the Witch King they are not… um… the same. No.

I fear if I attempt to post the entire history of Warcraft, I may find out what the character limit is. So, Wowpedia has a timeline and it might be best to start there:

Also, Nobbel on YouTube has been a source for me to refresh my memory on many occasions and is considered an excellent source:

I predict there will be at least 20 people telling you the lore sucks since their favorite expansion. Watch, play, decide for yourself. Flaws and all, I still consider myself a lorenerd. The most important part is to have fun. Explore at your own pace and don’t worry about how others tell you to play. A game is supposed to be fun, not work. Though, granted, fun for some is still making spreadsheets of lore bits… :melting_face:

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Warcraft lore is a patchwork of several mythologies. It was cool, until the next generation of writers came in and started reinventing the wheel.


This is a bit of an odd question since the writers have written the lore for the setting both backwards and forwards; there is a lot building information on past events and this has led to reconning (IE Draenei going from being a pathetic race not worth mentioning to a bunch of hideous swamp critters to an incredibly advanced interstellar race of goat people).

Could you clarify what you meant by “when did it start?”