New xpack, all female leads? (Part 2)

Yeah he was in the game for like 5m and then killed himself for no reason so a new female leader could take over. No-one actually believes this was some amazing arc lol. Literally there are quests before and after this where you casually kill larger forces of Nerubians from the air without anyone dying. What, is he the biggest sucker in the WoW universe? He’s the only guy who’s ever died on one of these air missions.


Which is why you jumped into a thread where someone stated they like Faerin to tell them that they were wrong. Along with most of the usual suspects.


The 3 quests that are done in 30 minutes and thats with taking the time to read quest text and the SAAL.

Major im telling you major



In this case, you would have to consider the several times female characters took a backseat to male characters in the story.

Hint: It’s a lot of times lmao


Why do the people who are all “they all wamen” just have to lie endlessly?

We have several quest hubs involved with him lmao


Its almost as if when you give your opinion it doesnt all of a sudden give you a shield from having that opinion challenged. Weird how i was able to do it without asking for someone to be silenced or marginalizing them.

Its almost like discussion can happen.


Also its writing 101 to not tease a death like Khadgar then follow it up with another death right afterwards.

Then the whole Magni fakeout. Its like they have no idea to write emotion unless it being mopey depressed or fake killing prominent characters


GRRM will be so devastated to hear how he failed.

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Omg the fact that you even tried to make the comparison


Anduin is one of the best designed character arcs I have ever seen I don’t think he was destroyed at all. They put a ton of effort into his story.


His story was fine, but I would say his death was absolutely pointless and unnecessary. Seriously. There was no other way to set off the extremely flammable liquid inside the wooden barrels? Our only choice was fuses or suicide?


Uh… no. Vehemently disagree.


Character introduced that seem important only to get killed a few minutes later? Oh hello Sendrax, I didnt realized they added you back onto the story.

No seriously, maybe it not so much his gender so much as Blizzard wanted someone to die to further the story along and he just happened to be male this time(when last exp we had a female character do so)


Im glad you like it. However hes been pointed out continuously as a horribly written character by a very large part of the fanbase. Maybe we can find a happy medium.

The last cinematic for the Max Level Campaign was a good start for him. More of that less of mopey Anduin

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It makes sense he’s “mopey” though.

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Just because it makes sense doesnt make it well written. Its boring


just because you find it boring doesn’t mean it’s poorly written. What do you expect him to do? Go ‘new expac, new me’ and suddenly turn into ice cold emotionless dude? At that point they’d have to turn him into a bad guy over the course of some expansions just to then let us kill him for good which would mean yet another male main character down.


You guys are lucky the leads are masculine females.

Can you imagine what they’d do to a male leader to align it with silicon valley politics? I don’t want to see that.


So theres only two spectrums? Is that the only way you can write someone struggling with inner turmoil?

how would you write him keeping in mind that it has to be noticeable to players through the campaign quests, a bunch of cinematics, and the raid plot what path he’s currently on?

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