New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Sounds like he trusts them to write the story to what he would approve of and want to see. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Maybe, maybe not, he was called in at the 11th hour and I do believe TWW had been deep into development before Metzen was fully on deck again

I said STRONG and HONORABLE men.

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Based off the feedback for the story most people seem to be liking it this expansion a lot more. The only complaints are “Anduin is too emotional” and “there’s too many women”, which if I was Chris Metzen I’d probably just ignore because they’re just nothing criticisms. So it doesn’t seem like he’s gonna get different writers and change direction any time soon. Kinda seems like he’s fully on board with this whole “men going through an emotional struggle” thing.

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Which is … ok. So long as the payoff is an Anduin who far exceeds Varian.

If he remains an emotional fluff of a man after his ‘tribulations’, it will have been for naught.

I found Lefsela to be not just insufferable, but absolutely insulting.

Random female walks in and instantly is 100x better than any male predecessor over the course of milennia.

Get out of here with that absolute horse****


Don’t pretend that Yrel wasn’t a lead character of that expac.


He is also pretending those were the heroes we had to align and do quests with, instead of being villains to kill.

the only lead there is Durotan, for the horde only, and the alliance had Maraad and Yrell

But is a fact that alliance players will distort the truth to gaslight other users


horde had Ga’nar which automatically makes all the other characters mid tier

This is such a wild take when he’s been running off on his own since MoP to explore and learn, confronting Garrosh, sacrificing himself to let us get away in the Maw, and we literally just had a scene of him hanging back to destroy a balista so that others can get away only to end up getting captured but using his diplomacy to get involved in the Nerubian politics.

Like there’s some parts of Anduin that annoys me, but

Is the wildest take I’ve seen yet lol

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Right, but i was talking about the image. Only Durotar there is a lead

Not a single male follower in my follower dungeons. Who is designing this game?

they are one by one killing off the male characters and replacing them with female leads, nothing agains female leads, but a good story has both female and male leads, not just a room full of female leads


A good story can be all male or all female, but given that this is a war game for mostly men having all non-feminine female leads makes zero sense other than due to real world left wing politics.

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blizz is the wokest gaming company in the industry

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They’re mostly the same at this point, just look at recent Ubisoft games. Indie developers with private equity are the only ones who ever buck the trend.

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idk EA is giving them a run for their money

only because anita starkesian pays the studio regular visits


Mm since the lawsuits, but IDK insomniac (spiderman 2), naughtydog (TLOU 2), ubisoft (AC Shadow), are a small handful examples I’d consider way worse tbh, or anything thats denoted by Sweet Baby Inc

It is okay if you can’t read. People usually learn to read and comprehend sentences, words during kindergarten, or first grade.
Not everyone is capable of such feats, nothing to be ashamed of.

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I would rather have Wrathion be the hero than Anduin. He is too…hardworking. It’s too deliberate to force him to be another Arthas.

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