New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Your faith system exists. The fact I don’t subscribe to its terms doesn’t make it not so. I’ve learnt the pattern… But I didn’t need to expose it for others. You literally have done so yourself.

Also, why the ad hominem attacks? OH, right. That’s what irrational, emotionalistic people who run out of arguments do :dracthyr_lulmao: Pyschology 101 books, literally.


the europe isnt the world so you can calm down. that’s just because europeans are prone to wars and like to colonize others. hope that helps.

You sound like my racist uncle at Thanksgiving who thinks communism is whatever the men on TV tell him it is

Gates is advocating depopulation.
That’s how you nicely say “Genocide”

World of estrogencraft


I don’t have faith in anything. I’m an existential nihilist. You’re tilting at windmills

Ad hominem is admission of defeat in debate.
Thank you.


It’s not an ad hominem if I don’t think your argument is even worthy of consideration. Maybe if you actually knew what Marxism was outside of the Fox News definition…

We’ve done gone off the rails with this one.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was initially named the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on Population Control.

Seems it got a lot of bad attention until they changed it.

That’s putting Chaos at your metaphysical head of the triangle. (It is, gnostic faiths are from older ones. Me believing neither, again, doesn’t help you trying to mask it from me).

Which you do as a dialectical tactic (cult speak) – specifically the “Motte and Bailey”. I know exactly what Marxism is, I’ve literally given the working definition… but you selectively read (if at all) comments that pose a challenge to your desire to subjectivize the world.

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Are you going to bring up the Bohemian Grove next? What about the federal reserve?

Everyone likes to colonize others, Europe was just better at it in the 1800s and 1900s because they industrialized first. 10x more slaves went through the middle east and arabic countries than the atlantic slave trade. The middle east, china, india, and africa still have slaves, actually more than there were in the 1800s. Japan, China, Mongolia, Russia, the Egyptians, the Persians, the Ottomans, etc. all had brutal empires at various points. There were many others. Europe and America aren’t notable for being warlike, imperialistic, greedy, or racist. They are notable for being the least racist, least sexist, and most equitable societies in the history of the world in basically every respect and for abolishing slavery in much of the world where which had existed for all of human history (driven by the US and Britain).

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never said this was unique to europe, however europe’s history of this does have a much greater impact on western civilization then elsewhere considering the exact queen i referenced there was the one who funded columbus’s voyage and the following exploitation

I picked edwyn as my sky captain or whatever, finally a win for the boys.

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No. It all comes down to wokism.
Wokism is the cultural arm of what we are talking about.

We are talking about the root, not the branches of the tree.

I don’t even have words for how weird you’re being. Life isn’t a conspiracy.

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Brightlance go to bed you’ve had enough for today

That’s right. But YOU make it so. And then gaslight those who push back XD

whats to bring up about the federal reserve…i mean is there something more goign on there then completely economically inept people essentially dictating the nations economics like we’re seeing now? surely you must understand that pointing out incompetence and corruption isn’t the same as lobing conspiracy theories around right?