New Wrathion Quest requirments

resto druid was me if you saw

Yep, it was you. Lol. How funny!

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That’s not good when you have 7 characters and raid with only one. I have to do LFR with 6 toons to being able to do that quest. LFR means 1 or more hours queue an another 2 hours wiping. Please be more alts friendly.

What about the people that have done the war campaign and already did azshara WEEKS AGO, do we have to go do Azshara again?

That’s what I want to know, hopefully my ticket get’s picked up soon since my quest did not unlock.

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if you got the circle of stars achievement for killing Za’qul and azshara already then you should only have to finish the war campaign.

why… do you guys keep doing this, knowing that SO SO SO many have no interest in your raids? for whatever reason…computers, GPU’s, claustrophobia, ugh people in game, hand & wrist issues, siezure issues…good grief you you all just never read?..why would you continue to lock content behind these things? you really do make it near impossible for a lot of us to want to continue playing your game, you really do…now I am not sure I even want to log in …and I was actually looking forward to this patch.


Ok, I just killed Azshara, and long ago finished war campaign. So now what? Still isn’t being offered to me.

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It came up for me as soon as I finished the war campaign. Of course I’d previously finished Circle of stars and I have heart level 65. I don’t think heart level 65 would be a prerequisite though.

I don’t feel compelled to do it myself. Really would rather watch a Wrathion play through online and just continue playing Borderlands 3, since 8.2.5 won’t have any substantive content until the anniversary.

Have you killed Za’qul and completed the all of the heart quests?

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I legit just did it a little earlier. Queue time said: 1hr, was in, in less than 15mins. Not on this character obviously but still :joy:

Probably because the story advances only after you actually, you know, defeat Azshara and the continuation of the story explicitly references the consequences of that fight. If you want to see it without doing the content you have options. Go watch the videos being posted everywhere. If you want to play through it in game then you need to, in the least, do the final wing of LFR at least once. The game has always told the story through the defeat of the big bads in raids, this isn’t a new or shocking revelation. You problem is entirely of your own making and the game offers multiple solutions to it, let alone third party outlets. Have at it.

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what a highly intelligent, well thought out response…except…you forget 1 thing…there is no ‘solution’ for epilepsy…and…WAS NOT OF ANYONE’S OWN MAKING…or any number of the other issues I mentioned…but good on yuh anyways. Maybe might want to actually ‘think’ before responding.
there should be options to do it another way.
raids are just terrible stuff, some like it, but…lol…MOST do not. MOST people stay out of them for whatever reason.
Haven’t you already killed her…hasn’t she already died repeatedly…bleh…why anyone subjects themselves to that environment is just beyond me.


A) some of us rather avoid the raids but still wish to do the regular quests

B) LFR and circle dont go well together in my honest opinion after having waited 45min for one run that resulted in spectacular failure on the first boss because half the people didnt know the mechanics of the fight well. Not all of us have that amount of time to “hope” for a good run, its why we dont participate in raids, the issue is blizz forcing people into things they dont want to do in order to be able to do the things they do want to do, azshara isnt the big bad, and the war campaign lets you skirt around attack on troll place raid so why the heck does champions require you do azshara? it would make more sense if they did it for both but they didnt and they didnt explain this well at all, so far the only thing good about this patch is the updated models… 2/10 blizz, stop trying to force non raider players into your raids!


So I’ll never see this quest because I don’t raid this expansion?

Cool. I hate Wrathion anyway and really just want to kill him as slowly and painfully as possible.


So you need both Za’qul and Azshara for this. I know Bornakk said Azshara but it looks like you need both.


Sure there are options. Go watch the videos if you don’t want to raid. If you want to play through it in game without somehow watching the fight, which makes absolutely no sense to me because you can dumb down the fight/particle effects dramatically and you’re posting from a toon that up until BfA raided both LFR and normal anyways which seems to contradict your claim, then find someone to carry you through it while you stare at the floor. Or don’t. Your call. But don’t expect it to change. There’s no reason to continue the story if you haven’t done the story in the first place. You don’t get hailed as the hero who killed Azshara and talk about her defeat and breaking of the Titan chains if you, you know, haven’t actually done it. Side note, emotional appeals aren’t going to change the outcome of this discussion.

Nope just killed her again just to be sure nothing… no new quests and no more reason for me to keep at it.

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Do you have the Circle of Stars Achievement? IE, have you killed both Za’qul and Azshara? My first LFR group got in on Azshara and I had not killed Za’qul and the quest wouldn’t appear. Once I got the Circle of Stars achievement then I got the quest.

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