New WoW Classic Realms Are Open - Monday, August 26

Great! time to get more great names an more WoW characters!!

And no west coast RP, for now. Bloodsail Buccaneers and Grobbulus are still at Medium. We’ll see how long it takes them after the game actually launches.

Nah, staying Pagle. Im prepared for, and prefer a completely full clustertruck of a server. Queues and all. I want my realm full, around the clock if possible, so Im not moving. But Im glad other people will get what they want too.

bigglesworth and incendius are fantastic names, it’s a good thing i didn’t make my character yet

i think murky would also be a good name for another server if they’re to add one

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There would have been far more people switching off full servers if you offered transfers FIRST, then new characters. That way people wouldn’t have had to try and reserve their names again. Just a thought.


They are an American company. Can send a complaint to the BBB.

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That is incorrect. The launch is the 27th for EU and Asia, 26th for Americas.

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I find it ironic that Westfall is and Eastern Server.



So with the removal of the cap on reservations, people can reserve names on ALL the new servers and leave their old ones in place…smh.


Westfall has certainly rustled some jimmies. Well done, Blizz.


EU got awesome new names:

|Nethergarde Keep|

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Old Blanchy FTW!


1500 retail Ragnaros player


Is this also when names will go to being saved to an account for a period of time after the character is deleted so the name can be reused by the same person without worry of it being snatched up?

Added Incendius and a Bigglesworth Reddit pages. I threw a stat survey up on both.

Yup. They weren’t called an old nag.

tfw still no Mograine server

Sorry, but EU got this server already.

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EU just got it