New WoW Classic Realms Are Open - Monday, August 26

add somewhere for us to type / chat in discord

If this was a reply to me, this is fixed, worldchat is for everyone, other chat channels become unlocked after selecting a faction

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Looks like I’m moving to Westfall, assuming I can grab my names again. Glad they’re releasing more PVEs. Not everyone wants PVP.


Incorrect, there is going to be a large influx of players that don’t even resub until release day.


This is actually bothering me so much. Plz Blizzard switch their time zones, or their names. :joy: :sob:

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You don’t have to delete them this time though. Won’t hurt to try to get a name you want on a new one. I’m gonna try anyway, since there’s no harm in that.


Incorrect, there is going to be a large influx of players that don’t even resub until release day.

that sounds like a them problem not an us problem

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Thank you Blizzard. Been begging for another east coast PVE realm. Though I wish you would open them now and not on release day. They’ll be full too.


Read the opening, blue post again:

August 26, 2019 10:00 AM (PDT), we will remove the limitation on only creating a total of three WoW Classic characters per WoW account. Thereafter, players will be able to create up to 10 characters per Classic realm, for a total of 50 characters across all Classic realms per WoW account.

Additionally, at August 26, 2019 10:00 AM (PDT) , we will open the following new realms in this region:

(I changed the times to be the actual PDT times since the forum changes the times to be whatever YOUR time zone is. Mine is CDT so it shows 12 noon for me, which is why I changed and noted the PDT times).

So they ARE raising the limit of name reservations, 5 HOURS before launch. It will go to what it will be permanently - 10 per realm, 50 total.

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Switching to Bigglesworth on launch

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Skaven identified


Seriously? Pay two extra weeks for name reservation, and the only two PvE Eastern realms are full, and you decide to wait an additional 6 days to add a single new one, on launch day?


So for those with no realm loyalties, so to speak…

Think switching to a launch day server is a good idea? Especially if they are saying all realms with even a High population will have long queues. Or do you stick with the currently High pop server you can guarantee will have plenty of players?

First you say you want it raised and then you say you don’t? Which is it and why did you state both? :confused:

This is great news! I am glad God heard our prayers and Blizz responded with more PvE realms. Glad we can create more name reservations and it is right before launch time. Will definitely be interesting to see if they all fill up.

Although those PST server names are sick! SO iconic and fitting. Way to go on that one Blizz #ThreeSnapsUp #Yaas :heart::joy::clinking_glasses::rainbow:

Still no Hogger server. Sigh.


Server transfers fracture communities. They allow people to come and ago as they please. Or did we not learn our lesson from cross realm and sharding? If you’re a jerk, just transferring servers should not be an option. If you decided on the easy way out to go to a less populated server, and it dies, that’s on you not on Blizzard to fix it.

Maybe you weren’t there for great migration of guilds from day 1 full servers when they opened one way transers, but they greatly changed the dynamic of the community. On top of that, when they opened up full server transfers for TBC, it practically all new people.


Still no Hogger server. Sigh.

Still no Barov. Bigger sigh.

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Except it’s not EST, it’s EDT right now. :wink:

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y u leave us!

No but seriously, this is good. Its taken long enough for the PvE realms to get some love, because … geeez.