Who else is hyped to stop torturing themselves playing this joke of a game? <3
Looking forward to playing new world and world of Warcraft because I don’t need validation from other people on the internet in order to play video games.
Well it might kill tbc pvp…but new world doesn’t have anything else that competes with wow
It’s not my style or I’d try it. I know a lot of people are super excited for it. Some will play both. I don’t think it’s a WoW killer or anything but considering the situation it won’t help.
I’ll try it out and if it’s more fun sure
I don’t even know what anyone is talking about yammering about “new world” but I am currently enjoying leveling 4 toons at once (not multiboxing, switching when I get tired of one) in TBC
Don’t kid yourself buck
Someone had to say it. New World is about to be fun af.
I must admit, I’m super hyped for a lot of people leaving to play something else
Hyped for the game to die off more? Nice! KekW /s
Yeah the boomers are holding onto TBC with all their life energy before their life peaks and they are stuck in the retirement home forever
TBC is not going away.
I can play when I want and nothing will change.
Look at Classic how many are playing?
That is how many will be playing TBC after everyone stopped playing TBC.
Wrath will be next.
Losing players who jump to the next flavor of the month game will not be a loss worth crying over.
I played about 40 or 50 hours of new world in the beta, but I refunded it. The game is pretty good up until max level, then you’re left with absolutely nothing to do. Also unless you are a no-lifer in the most hardcore alliance you’ll also never even sniff the best gear (that can only be crafted once, ever) so what’s the point in even playing?
Oh and TBC has more things to do? Right. Look how many people raid log every week because of how boring it is. People need to stop pretending like TBC is so fun.
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