New World looking kinda good!

Do you remember back in the 90s, I think it was a processor or maybe a video card that was defective – it computations were off – and the company tried to say “Eh, no biggee, people will cope” and the firestorm that resulted?

The news said later people were making earrings from those parts.

Meh…. It is completely controlled by PVP. Not interested.

Got it today and before I knew it 9 hours had past, it’s been a ton of fun the PvE is great and the PVP is super fun.


How do you control your character mouse or keys?

Keyboard WASD keys to move, QRF for abilities and a few other keys for movement stuff like laydown etc…, mouse is how you fight with left and right click being used. It actually plays pretty well I was surprised.

Hmmm the issue for me is using WASD I don’t even use those in WoW…believe it or not I get easily around using the up, down, left , right arrow keys that work like the WASD keys…I just can’t get my hands to work the WASD keys correctly.

You can rebind every key to what ever you want if that’s the case you can make it work no problem.

It gives me the vibe of a game for people like over complicated systems.

I always joke about games like this, like “Hold the ‘loot’ button then click the left mouse button for each finger on your hand” complicated

I can’t see myself getting heavily invested in any other MMO until WoW really messes up.

If I pick another mmo I’ll really not have a life lol

I din’t think anything special of it.

I’ve enjoyed my time in the game so far. At first the combat felt clumsy and I didn’t like it, but once I figured out how to block and dodge correctly instead of just spamming attacks it felt better and way more fluid. Its all about timing your attacks instead of just spamming your buttons.

Haven’t tried pvp yet as I’ve almost exclusively been crafting, which so far has been amazing, although probably too involved and once the charm of being a fresh new game wears off could easily become tedious.

No. Doesn’t look anything like the type of game I’d want for an MMO.

I am sure I will give it a try just because I love the mmo genre and there aren’t many (besides WoW and SWTOR) that interest me. WoW will always be my main but want to find another to play very casual with. Having said that, this mmo doesn’t look all that great and hate to say it but I don’t think it will do very well. But, doesn’t hurt to try it at least.

It looks good, but the reports from people who have played it hasent been promising.

I don’t remember that at all but then again, I was to young back then to know any of this.

The customizations are still a bit lacking, and I’m too bad about spending money on gear to have saved enough to buy housing and check it out, but from the outside it looks good. Looks like you have to reach a certain standing with the town to unlock housing, but that’s not unexpected, like you can’t buy a horse unless your human or you reach a certain Stormwind rep.

BUT, I think I saw them say something about customization options maybe improving in the future, and they do seem to be both actively gathering and actually listening to player feedback. Like, they hired aother quest designer to help diversify quests after people complained they were too repetitive.

Seems to be limited to bad quality RTX 3080 and 3090s only. Can’t believe Nvidia actually let that go through.

Combat, movement, gathering/crafting, and even the UI are all fantastic.

It’s pretty clear though that it will not be a finished product at launch. It’ll be in a better state than other MMOs when they first launched, but it won’t outdo those same MMOs in their current state.

Keep a close eye on this game. It has the strongest foundation and most palpable potential of any ‘WoW killer’ I’ve ever played, and I’ve tried many.

Don’t let your arrogance get ahead of you, young one.