The game is a ton of fun at the moment. I don’t know anything about max level but so far the games actually really good.
Is it going to kill wow? Probably not, the devs are doing that job on their own. I could see new world lasting 6 months to a year. It will all depend on what they have planned for end game things I guess.
New world is actual garbage. No endgame, repetitive progression and griefing in pvp that goes beyond anything possible in wow. Trash heap, dead in 6 months.
LOL you admit you know nothing of endgame (or lack thereof) and are talking to players in the honeymoon phase of a brand new game. New World will die faster than Warhammer Online did.
Most players are in the novelty stage of the game. Many games always seem good at first. Ask people what they think about the game 2-3 months from now. I’m sure you’ll find a lot more people saying it’s bad.
I’ll try it when they get it more polished and have better end game features added in. Sounds like a fun new place to play? I also loved the Witcher series and do suggest to anyone bored to give them a play through!
Its ok. Leveling was kinda fun for the first 20 levels or so but breaks down into pretty routine quests that get old fast (collect x trinkets from chests, kill y mobs etc,) particularly since they’re often carbon copies of each other. And either way the meta quickly became mindless “portal or boar farming” as the quickest way to level, which is about as fun as grinding boars in WOW.
The world is kinda interesting at first, but again you start to see the same skins after about 5 levels (skeleton guy, banshee guy, wolves of various colors, bears… that’s really about it.)
Instances are mostly mindless, at least the first two I’ve done. You enter, kill a bunch of mobs with basically no mechanics (dodge out of the way of the charge is about it) and collect a ton of loot. But you’ve also got to craft an item to get in so you can’t do them constantly.
And the systems/customization are basically nonexistent. You have your basic 5 attributes, no classes, no races and 9 weapon choices that have skills attached to them but which cap out at level 20… and thats it. That’s the entire extent of the combat/customization. I guess there are crafted item perks too but for the most part you just grab the best ones for your weapon, they don’t really impact play too much.
PVP is the standard zerg-fest. The side with more/higher level players usually wins and it seems like a lot of servers have become heavily dominated by one faction or another reducing them to essentially pve.
I havent done any end-game stuff, but I don’t have high hopes for it either. With the way the combat is designed I just don’t see a lot of room for complex/challenging encounters. It’s mostly just gonna be a zerg-fest. You run in, blow your abilities and run out if you get low or aren’t getting heals.
TLDR: It would have been a great game 20 years ago. It feels alot like Asheron’s Call actually, with better graphics but less developed systems/abilities. And I don’t have a lot of hope for the future. You’re already seeing population plummet as the “new-game smell” starts to fade…
I heard things get real repetitive and no new abilities when you hit level 30. It’s a brand new game so I won’t expect any actual end-game content. I am more interested in the new GW2 expansion.
Theres nothing wrong with wanting to discuss another mmo, but the TBCC board is the wrong place for it. Take it to the gaming sub forum and you will have better luck. It doesn’t make us shills for not caring about your current gaming crush.