New world getting arena

was just datamined. how’s the pvp in that game? i’ve heard its really ping dependent

arena with what is it like 5 buttons. sounds like fun


A new world twitch stream would be a better place to ask but you knew that already. You just want to be a part of the wow sucks YouTube train.


6 buttons, so pretty much double a DH.


That’s 3 more then BM Hunter.


Honestly if wrath comes out and blizzard have wrath tourneys i could see most of these players coming back to wow . Wrath / Cata / Mop all had really amazing tourneys and thats where most of the arena playerbase would probably be.

New world pvp sucks because you can only choose 3 abilities to play with unless they had a keybind to swap to abilities like diablo 2. All it will be is 5 musket players vs 5 musket players and maybe we will have a really good fps player play a bow and go around tapping heads.

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yeah it def looks like it’s lacking some combat depth, but the game is still in its infancy so who knows. def agree wrath will b hype, the games aren’t mutually exclusive though

isn’t like 5 + weapon swap for another row of skills? Somewhat like GW2 without traits

Not sure, saw a bunch of stuff about how new world is bricking peoples GPUs so ill never try it.

have you ever thought about the ping disadvantage that oce players have when they vs you in arena? i’m sure you’ll be fine.

And 6 more buttons than DH ^^

3 skills +weapon swap so 6 total

Ah nvm then that’s less than a moba if there aren’t any traits/actives/on use items etc

New world is meh
Lost ark is fun. Multiple arena game modes

Coming to NA soontm

ya new world is a pretty awful pvp game and it lacks any serious depth

ppl just desperate for a diff game

Yeah that’s not true, New World has lots of depth. It prioritizes positioning more than WoW does.

Everyone has access to potions and food that heals over time. 1v1s for me are won by a series of retreats till I can land a few musket shots to fully commit. If I can then I go all in. My melee weapon is a spear that offers decent range and attacks fairly quickly while prioritizing CC. I can tell dodge some attacks and use mine while they’re still animation locked.

New World pvp isn’t like WoW. You need to aim, timing is way more important, and positioning requires precision way more than WoW.

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It’s sort of refreshing to try something new in addition to being part of the hype train so see what a new game is all about, specifically an mmorpg. There is still nothing like WoW, however with the 2 versions of WoW which we have now (SL and TBC Classic), it urges players to try something new. If this isn’t the best time to do it, idk what is lol.

Once 9.1.5 is out, we’ll see another spike of player activity for a few months and then it might slowly reach a plateau again where we see a lack of playerbase during the last few months before 9.2 is out.

This is very likely to happen. When Wrath comes out, its popularity overall might go through the roof imo. When it comes to arenas, it’s probably going to be one of the most fun, played, and even viewed aspect of the game I think. Although I expect a lot of people to be eager to try out the WoTLK raids as well, arena gameplay will be cherished once again.

Lastly, for those comparing WoW to New World, it appears as if you’re comparing apples to oranges in this case. Both games are designed very differently. Combat is different, character progression isn’t analogous, gameplay/playstyles are distinct to each other, and the vibe that each game gives is different as well.

ya relax underage assault leader

ive played the game and ur dumb as hell for thinking everyone is comparing it to this game

im comparing it to every other action combat mmo

new world is runescape except w action combat from 1998

now shoo

bdo requires more finesse

gw2 requires more finesse

Rofl, I dude. It’s Friday and the work weeks really gotten to you I can tell. Probably sucks to have no queues while you sit in the basement before your 1030am bedtime and everyone already went to work.

Idk flux goes to bed at like 9 to get up for work and seems to rlly enjoy it, prob have to be more creative there