!new warlock quest chain spoilers!

Personally, I liked the quest chain for the most part. The creepiness of the Darkmoon Faire, coupled with different races turning to the allure of Warlockdom for power/personal reasons… Except for the one human mage that accidentally summoned the wrong portal to the zone and promptly left lol.

HOWEVER, I have one major issue with this questline… Nathrezim are now demons/serving the Burning Legion again? Huh? I would have preferred it if it was just some Undead Witch that was stealing the souls of warlocks to grow her own power… Y’know, something that definitely fits the theme of warlocks. OR, it was a Witch from BfA that was using power hungry warlock initiates for the same thing. That would have been cool.

But instead we get a Nathrezim behind it? They need to stop using them since Shadowlands showed that they were only servants of Denathrius (who isn’t actually dead). With their master imprisoned they would be trying everything they could to free him from his sword, Remoria… But instead they went back to the Burning Legion it seems and wants revenge against petty summoners? Huh?

Other than that, I dug the questline; even the Lightforged part.

Edit It also felt unfinished since it just ended after killing her and there was no dialogue with the only surviving warlock initiate.


Nathrezim are obviously still working on some 6d chess plan, and Shadowlands will come back in the form of Denathrius. Nathrezim in the legion is just a cover while they collect souls for whatever dumb shadowlands plot in the future.


Except the Legion would KNOW now that Nathrezim aren’t really with them. Since plenty of Warlocks helped with Shadowlands lol

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Where is this quest chain? I cant find it on Wowhead/mmo-champ.

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There’s really should not be any burning legion at all. The point of demons always was is that they are chaotic and can’t be coordinated without immense power. And Titans are beings of Order, which allowed Sargeras to create legion in a first place.

A natherzim just controlling bunch of demons without any legion would make more sense, they are manipulators after all

Here are some screenshots from it
(Album is back to front)


Screenshot of what the lightforged says (i didnt screenshot this as the forums had it already)

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10.1.5 PTR. You have to have a lvl 70 warlock on the PTR and when you log on you’ll be directed to your faction’s Warlock headquarters to start the questline.

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I did not get any of this. I had to go around the Mage Quarter until I found the quest giver (which wasn’t down in a basement, where I remember the faction HQ to be).

Once accepted, I was placed into the carriage next to him and carted off to Darkmoon (which was empty of its normal people).

That’s normal for the questline. You can ask the Madam Shadow woman where the people are and if you keep up with the questioning she’ll feed you to her double headed demon dog.

Also, did you copy your account information to the PTR as well? I copied both my toon and the account info, maybe that’s why I got it as soon as he logged in?

Before I created a character copy, yes.

I wasn’t lead to the questgiver, I had to find him myself.

Edit: And yes, before you ask, it was my lvl 70 Warlock.

I wasn’t going to ask that, bud lol. I believe only Warlocks can do the quests anyway. I WILL say that the quest did glitch for me during the process, so it’s not the best right now. When I had to talk to all the initiates it didn’t even give me an option for the Highmountain girl. I ran around the faire for a while before I whispered another Warlock where the 9th initiate was. I had to abandon and reaccept it.

I’m supposed to use a Soulstone right now, and I don’t have an option to do it. I think I’m in the same boat of abandoning it right now.

EDIT: FFS. They put the bug report button right on top of the “use” button for this quest.

That’s because it is unfinished as are most quests chains in the first build of a new PTR patch

I don’t see any mention of the Demons being Burning Legion…

Sounds more like they are the Nathrezim’s personal army…

Shocking how Lord Banehollow owns Darkmoon Island…

Silas Darkmoon did say we wouldn’t believe the deals he made to get it… or who he made ‘em with.

We assumed it was Old Gods only to discover Lord Banehollow a lowly servant of Denathrius and a member of the Shadow Council being the owner of the island.

Our victory hopefully puts Silas Darkmoon in charge of the Island and willing to sell it to his masters I.E. the Old Gods.

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Shadowlands didn’t happen.

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Shame they didn’t use the Warlock Class Order Hall, a missed opportunity. :disappointed: