Some people in the warlock forums brought to my attention that pet names are reverting/disappearing and I think I figured it out
I also posted this on the PTR forum for this cycle
So as of right now if I go to the Demon Trainer to rename a given pet with certain Demons (Base Imp + Fiend Imp, Voidwalker or Voidseeker, ONLY RECOLOR 1 OF SUCCUBUS, Incubus, Felhunter/Dreadhound, any Felguard recolor) the name is able to be changed. I pay the 50 gold, the name changes permanently.
HOWEVER, when I try to use any of the OTHER demons that aren’t in the above list (Fel Imp model, Voidlord, Fel Succubus, Shadow Succubus, any Shivarra, any Wrathguard), when I pay the 50 gold it would appear I changed my pets name, but if I go to the barber shop and change the model to any other model for the original pets (above list), then the original pet gets that new name and the new model gets their original name.
That is to say, sequence of events:
- My baseline (recolor 1) succubus was named Elerrah, my fel succubus was named Carrona
- I select Recolor 1 Baseline Succubus (Elerrah) in the barbershop
- I take my Succubus to the Demon Trainer, change her name
- Her name change persists if I pick any other model within the succubus slot
- I pick the Fel Succubus (Recolor 3) in the barbership, her name is Carrona
- I take my Fel Succubus to the Demon Trainer, change her name, it is now Angthea
- I pick my Recolor 1 Baseline Succubus in the Barbershop; her name is now Angthea
- I pick my Fel Succubus again in the Barbershop, her name is back to Carrona
This applies for all the demons; the Felguard take the Wrathguard name change and Wrathguard reverts, the Voidwalker/seeker takes the Voidlord name change and the Voidlord reverts, the Imp/Fiend take the Fel Imp name change and the Fel Imp reverts
In lieu of this, I think the only reasonable solution would be to allow warlocks to “pick” our demon names from the pre-determined RNG dictionary for each specific model/recolor combination. Perhaps a “grimoire” can be placed either in Orgrimmar next to the Demon Trainer or in Dreadscar Rift that would list each model/recolor combo with a name (following the Grimoire names would be easiest, eg Blue Recolor Base Imp = Frostfire Imp) with the list of imp names.
This benefits both the warlock community who would like to have all their pets of a given slot have the same name (eg every single imp they summon be Jubjub as mine is called on live) AND the more roleplay/lore inclined player like myself who wants to lean into the fantasy of each summon being a unique being.
Because again, a lot of us having been playing this name for many years and under no circumstances would be acceptable to lose the names of every “Supremacy” pet we have had for now ELEVEN YEARS, especially given the Observer was already taken from us.