New Warlock NPCS in the capitals

The Broken on Argus came to mind first.

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Yeah but this is a video game.

That’s it’s artistic medium. It’s not a book, it’s not a comic, it’s not a movie, and it’s not a pop up book.

It is a video game.

If ya got mfers throwing giant balls of bright green demonic hellfire at people, 99.9% of players are pretty naturally going to assume that’s what they’re supposed to be doing.

Nobody’s going to presume they were supposed to use their imagination and go;


Folk are dumb as bricks if they think every damn shaman was canonically using troll voodoo hexes and orc spirit wolf forms and twilight hammer elemental ascendant forms regardless of race


I’ll be trying Demonology out for the first time with my Night Elf Warlock, and sure, I could role play that she’s splashing moonwell water on demons to force them into compelling like that one quest in Shadowmoon on Draenor. But most likely she’ll just be doing demon stuff with demons.

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Too much Fel and the Broken’s Hooves become like Worgen Feet completing his transformation into a Wrathguard.

Too much Red Pox and he degenerates into a Lost One with his Hooves becoming like Bird-like Arakkoa Feet.


Fel has odd ways of changing people.

My crazy theory was the Lost Ones are resembling Arakkoa. Broken on Argus has broken that idea. :woozy_face:

Blizzard enforced rigid interpretations of the classes with Legion class halls and their continued lack of spell effect glyphs or customization options to show the existence of these other flavors of the classes. It’s not an “us” problem, it’s a Blizzard being too lazy to make assets problem.


I mean. Why wouldn’t they? The game does a terrible job of explaining these things.

This is why I’m a big advocate of a sort of heritage glyph system that could address these topics.

Because one part of Classic I genuinely adored that I didnt experience back in 2004 was the unique Priest spells. That is excellent story telling as gameplay mechanics. Genuinely great stuff.

But from a pure gameplay balancing I see why that, as well as ideas like Paladin and Shaman being faction exclusives, went the way of the dodo.

But I don’t think it’d be a tremendous ordeal to give race class combos more unique spell effects. It might be mildly confusing in PvP briefly but anyone worth their salt would course correct after at most one loss.

Attempting to keep the story and gameplay separate is just, bad video game narrative. Be like having half of a movie sold separately as a book or vice versa.


Unfortunately they did just remove the Observer “so that people wouldn’t get confused” by a Warlock using Felhunter spells with something that doesn’t look like a Felhunter, which would only make any sense in a pvp context.

Obviously the reason we would more believe is that they don’t want to make Observer customization options on top of the new Felhunter ones.


Still not sure why they haven’t taken the easy way out of having an option to not see glyph effects of other players. IIRC runescape does this in pvp areas automatically and it’s a pretty perfect solution to the issue.


Those bastards! Not my little flying alien butt monster! I loved that little guy!!!

Well nuts to ever playing Lock again then. Christ. That’s genuinely upsetting to hear.

I wonder if shadowmoon orcs are banned from entering Silvermoon.


Tbf I’m pretty sure they’d have 0 interest in the Sunwell. Which if I remember correctly was the crux of the problem.

I imagine they don’t let non elves around it in general. Which is fair honestly I 900% would try to pee in it just to see what happened.

Genuinely though. That’s disheartening. I had a little TRP profile for him and everything.

He was the ‘asset procurement specialist’ of the team. IE;

“Somebody go see what that toothy butthole is chewing on now, reliably tries to eat magic artifacts”

Now I feel like I’ve to write a eulogy. RIP strange eyeball butt thing. You were reliably good for some laughs. And always fun to pull out around RPers who didn’t care for demons as they were, far as I looked into it, weird critters that flew through space looking to eat magic.

Which is fundamentally more interesting then a dog someone drew wrong.

I already have darkhounds and now one of those abomo-dogs on my Hunter. Named, of course, Marry&Shelley. I don’t need a zerg ripoff. Least of all because the Tyranid are way cooler.

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I feel you. I did not like that they turned my Infernal into a cooldown. Went so well with my Destruction Warlock, who I put a lot of effort into completing the green fire quest on and getting the “of the Black Harvest” title. Her Infernal has a really fun name, too. Charburst. Makes me think of the Starburst candy.


Broken on Argus resemble Wrathguard(only lacking the Worgen Feet) while Lost Ones resemble Arakkoa(down to the Feet) and Broken in Outland resemble a cross between the two(Wrathguard Face and Arakkoa Feet).

Gorefiend had gorged on Souls while bathing in a Pool of Fel and had become mutated by all of them combined with the Fel. There were more Souls fed to him than the Fel of the Pool could digest so to speak.

Even worse the next Pool he was dumped into(the one we fight him in the Raid) couldn’t contain the amount of Souls pouring into it either and the Fel Pool became a Pool of mostly Anima.

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Of note the Infernal was the first time I really thought of heritage glyphs.

Because Blood Mage was maybe my favorite WC3 Hero Unit. And with the very verdant spheres esque green crystal glyph I realized I was so close to being one. All I needed - was a phoenix.

And wouldn’t that be a perfect Belf spell effect for an infernal?

Also of note that soul shard glyph doesn’t appear to any other players. Which was my first concern as visually telegraphing how much of your DPS resource you have sounds like a terrible idea.

So they have the ability for spell effects that literally no one but you can see already. I’m genuinely baffled by that decision.

And wheres the line there? Because my Arena buddy for awhile was an Undead Mage and we mogged and barbershoped our characters to be identical as it seemed to confuse people.

That off the table now too?

I really miss my verdant sphere glyph the shards are not the same at all and i would never turn down a phoenix.

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Yeah I was crushed to learn I could’ve had the real deal.

I remain baffled why they’ve moved Blood Mage to a more Fire Mage thing. Because they’re decidedly more Destruction Locks if you asked me.

Which has been my preference. Still baffles me Fire Mage remains more of a sniper class. Because when I think of conjuring fireballs the size of a sedan, my first thought is not;

“Ah yes. A delicate tool for surgical strikes”.

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Verdant spheres are also the closest lore representation of our soul shard mechanic.