New Warhammer Online game?

It seems that both FFXIV and WoW will end in neither a roar nor a whimper but a WAAAAGGGH instead as a new Warhammer Online game has just been announced.

So what no one played the first one LOL

No one played the first FFXIV.

It would take quite a lot to pull me from FF14 where I happily have housing and a focus on story. The first Warhammer MMO was PvP centered, and if the second one follows suit I prolly won’t even try it.

What new Warhammer MMO? I don’t even see anything searching for it.

Return of Reckoning is a Warhammer Online private server, not a new MMO.

That is honestly even a bigger threat …Warhammer has one of the biggest and most complex community … sometimes outdoing the main game itself. look at the Dawn of War reunification mod.