New Warchief Thrall Statue model on the shop

Night Elf Forum Posting Alt. A while after Erevien joined, apparently more EU people found out how to post on the US forums and a bunch of them all joined at once. But honestly the abbreviation feels like a super forced meme, especially since not all of them are even bad posters.


They are, what it looks like pinning development of Allied races characters which is pretty great.

Use Talanji and the Nightbourne woman.

But please. Just invent new orks to lead your Horde. It isnā€™t that hard. Duplicate the Artanis arch from SC2 and just name a High Marshall rank subservient to the Council.

Goblins too Go nuts.

Orks other than Goā€™el need to be leading

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Frankly Iā€™m just glad they got rid of that bizarre look he had since Cata. He looked like that one kid who spent a semester in India in college and decided heā€™s some spiritual expert now.

This at least looks like the Thrall I remember and I do dig the Frostwolf styled white fur armor.

Theyā€™re saying the Horde council is going to be the new thing but I fully expect Thrall to be the de facto Warchief moving forward. Which is probably for the best.

Iā€™m kind of glad I missed Cata through WoD as his actions therein are jaw droppingly dumb. Garrosh is an unhinged rage case in Wrath. He challenges Thrall to Makgora while Orgrimmar is being attacked by Frost Wyrms. Then in the Borean Tundra he has a temper tantrum;

Garrosh Hellscream says: Shipping lanesā€¦ suppliesā€¦ You bore me to death! We need nothing more than the warrior spirit of the Horde, Saurfang! Now that we are firmly entrenched in this frozen wasteland, nothing shall stop us!
High Overlord Saurfang says: Siege engines, ammunition, heavy armorā€¦ How do you propose to shatter the walls of Icecrown without those?
Garrosh stands.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Propose? I will show you what I propose!
Garrosh crushes the figures and flag indicating Valiance Keep

The guy gets bored midway through a conversation about strategy and logistics to jump up and down on a table. Breaking ish and going ā€œF strategy Iā€™m just gonna kill everythingā€.

And this is who Thrall put in charge. To uh, make Orgrimmar great again I guess. Because Thrall didnā€™t handle the Wrathgate too well. Which means he must resign and hand absolute executive authority to his twitchy kid nephew who seems to have anger problems even by Orcish standards.


It wasnā€™t as bad as when the Jenafur Night Elf NPC was datamined and none of them apologized for complaining about its existence when they learned the NPC was made in dedication to a little girl who got cancer.

This is why itā€™d be Horde posters who are the actual problem instead of Night Elf posters if the latter didnā€™t complain so much.

Very nice statue, but I doubt heā€™ll ever be warchief again. That feels like one act of regression too far even for Blizzardā€¦ even if itā€™s probably the best thing for the Horde and its players at this sorry point in the factionā€™s existence.

I actually liked his look in WoD to be perfectly honest. The mix of the Doomplate with this Shaman cloak and prayer beads was like the best of both worlds.

His Cata look was indeed trying way too hard to push him purely into the ā€œShamanā€ which wasā€¦fine for the time. But after finally playing through WoD on a Horde character and seeing WoD era Thrall I have to admit, the armor and the cloak was an awesome combination, both the warrior and the shaman.

On a similar tangent, I also wish they take Anduinā€™s model from Heroes of the Storm and use that in WoW. The one that makes him look kingly, but very much a priest instead of wannabe paladin his plate armor makes him look like now.


Looks like Thrall is getting back his big Hammer and masculinity valor again. Neat as I want Thrall back and not Emo Goā€™el that is just two steps to say ā€œHorde was a mistake, we should praise humansā€ which is disgusting


I guess I should take a closer look at the WoD model. I just saw the shaved heads and giant beads, rolled my eyes and didnā€™t look again.

And it would be neat if Anduin was more Priestly. As a Priest main I think Iā€™m a little more inclined to like him, or at the very least want to know where he learned that version of Power Word: Barrier he uses in the BFA cinematic.

Discipline is the only outright offensive healing spec in game. Your only real HoT is accomplished by covering the enemy in blesssed napalm with a spell called Purge The Wicked. The Legion Artifact was called Lightā€™s Wrath and hit like a pyroblast on amphetamines when it was overcharged. And with stuff like Shadow Word: Kill and Mind Blast back the spec gets some nice darkside flavoring.

So itā€™s very weird to me when given an opportunity to show all that off in a cinematic they just have him swinging around a sword. Which Priests canā€™t wield.

If they go with Supreme Commander Turalyon and Grand Marshall Alleria with Jaina commanding the Kirin Tor, an alliance of individual provinces stands to make the Alliance great again.

That way Anduin can go back to being the greatest diplomat the Alliance has ever seen IF he does all he can to protect and advise the Night-elves and Worgen. He failed utterly in BFA.

Make his entire story arch be about reparations and actual study of war games and battle statistics. Instead of wringing his hands in sorry mode. He needs to become the peaceful face of Alliance recruitment, not High King silliness.

I thought that was odd, as soon as I heard Baine say it. It may not necessarily be against each other, but thereā€™s still a war against something pretty much every other Tuesday.

Night Elf Financial Planning Association

(Freebie tip: Invest in lumber. Everyone wants it, and we make it free of overhead costs.)


Oh no Teldrassil Police Department has derailed the thread

OT: Thrall should have worn the doomhammer armour IDC what reason he has other than the lack of armour but he is soooo boring to look at.

Its a cool statue.

Hopefully heā€™ll go back to his Pre-Cata personality if he does come back to being Warchief.


I hope he never comes back as Warchief. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one who has said it but it would implicitly say the Horde cannot survive without Thrall as leader. That without him theyā€™ll inevitably degenerate back into warmongering monsters. Like when you kill Caesar in Fallout New Vegas, heā€™s the only thing holding it together.

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Sad to say, with how Blizz has handled the Horde ā€¦ weā€™re already sort of past that point. That being said, just have this Thrall reappear and just be a great Chieftain for the MU Orcish people. Have him really take pride in getting invested in them and their futures, and in turn he will be a sufficiently good participant within the Horde council as a result. The Thrall that this statue version of him emulates is one whoā€™s gotten back to his roots, and takes pride in who and what he is. No more of this moping around and ā€œfeeling guilted into the Hordeā€.

Baine in contrast really needs a strong injection of Cairne and maybe Huln. Guy has to be allowed to get away from being just a pet and accessory of Anduinā€™s like he has become. And since he and Thrall are the only two living Horde reps that made it into the SL, I do hope they both get the development they need. Right alongside Loaā€™jin, who better get a cool model lol!

Warchief Thrall sounds a hell of a lot better than this lame, toothless council we now have.

This game needs more testosterone in it, not less. Only an Orc should ever be leading the Horde.


I donā€™t think it has much to do with Thrall but how Blizzard has written the Horde since their incarnation. They just follow whoever is at the helm until that Warchief is disposed or turns against the Horde itself. I get what you are saying, that the factions of the Horde have some autonomy and arenā€™t just following orders because the Warchief will kill them, but I donā€™t know if the current writers want that to happen.

Even the Alliance is guilty of this failure in writing, as Tyrande is doing her own thing, everyone is saying she is consumed by vengeance and made to look unhinged.

The two faction system is boring and hurts the world building, but itā€™s just background music to the 16 year old grindfest of an MMO now.

Considering that they all basically just spam the forum with troll posts and derail threads Iā€™m going to disagree with you.


Interesting. Something major would have to happen in order for Thrall to take up the mantle of Warchief after making the role obsolete in Battle for Azeroth.

Agreed More Horde ork Lokā€™tar Ogar.

Make Thrall into the spiritual as well as veteran fighter Saurfang sadly couldnā€™t be cuz he was old.

Thrall in Shadows Rising: I am not their leader
Thralls voice booms, bringing order to the council meeting

Me: Oh, ok, so Thrall is the leader.
Thrall again: I am not their leader
Me: Yepā€¦ Thrall is definitely the leader now.