New Warchief Thrall Statue model on the shop

Thrall now has yet another new look with a new statue, this one seemingly being a new one incorporating his BfA look with the original Doomplate, and it is curiously titled “Warchief Thrall”, and takes into account his recent story.

"I straddle two worlds. I was raised by humans, but born an orc, and I have gleaned strength from both." Slave. Gladiator. Warchief. Shaman. Diplomat. Hero. The orc Thrall has been them all. Trained to be nothing more than a weapon, Thrall escaped a brutal captivity, studying the ways of the shaman and becoming Warchief of the Horde. From leading his people to victory against their former demonic masters in war, to pursuing a just peace in Azeroth, Thrall's history and dual nature have made him unique among the heroes of his world. Standing ready to once again serve the Horde, this statue will be a highlight of any World of Warcraft collection.

Guess Thrall is taking up the mantle soon? Perhaps they’re following through with what Baine said at the council’s formation, “There is no place for a warchief in a time of peace”, and he’s becoming warchief temporarily for the next war.


Cool statue. I’m not getting it.

Also, in before the NEFPA come in and derail the thread.



Oh the Alliance will look SO STUPID in this.
“The Horde has changed, they have a council now!”

I’m all for Thrall getting his powers back and a relevant role again, but if he becomes a WARchief and the Alliance doesn’t act on it then it’s going to be so dumb.


BTW - Does everyone remember how disturbingly mad some posters (no guesses as to whom) got when the Sylvanas statue was released?



Interesting Model. I don’t want him to be “Warchief”, but this is thematically the exact route I wanted them to go with Thrall. At least on an aesthetic level. He’s got the Frostwolf Axe and Furs; the Daddy Durotan Hair; and not just the Doomhammer but also a lot of Doomhammer’s old armor style back. He even screams “Enhancement Shaman” now, rather than Elemental … which seemed like a good balanced path for him to take.

My lack of optimism for SLs Baine has not changed, but my vain hopes that maybe Doomlord General Draka will be a positive influence on Thrall might have some merit. This version of him at least looks the part of the Orc Chieften he was always supposed to be. :open_mouth:


It’ll be Turalyon and Xe’ra starting the war so we can have the obligatory Light Bad expansion.

Wasn’t that the one that glorified her even further? Wonder why people were mad about that :thinking:

The one that was made by a third party, including the description? Yeah.



I like it. I miss him wearing Doomplate and Doomhammer.

His warrior redesign while fine bugged me because he just decided to not wear the Doomplate anymore which felt like a missed opportunity.

Edit: I actually be mad if he’s made Warchiefs again…so long as it’s specifically for War and he answers to the Horde Council. Which I think would be something he’d be fine with actually. Lead the Horde into battle and when battles done he drops the title and goes back to just being another seat.


Looks like they are committing Thrall to that dumb looking axe, could have been Gorehowl.

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I think you and others like you have now posted this joke(?) and ended up derailing threads just as many times as it actually happens. Actually I am starting to see this more than what you are complaining about. Ironic really. Complaining and joking about derailing, and in so doing actually derailing.


I am curious about the Doomhammer more than anything.

Also, if Orcs in game could look that badass i would be Horde in a heartbeat.

Thrall is cool!


I really like the look but I question it meaning anything for the game for two reasons:

  • He just got a new update recently
  • They just made a big deal about how the warchief position is gone.
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I wouldn’t think too hard about Thrall becoming the warchief again. It’s marketing.

I wouldn’t be too sure another model update is out of the question.

Largely because, Thrall’s current model seems built for modular armor like Saurfang and Baine’s was. Which is why you almost hardly see Saurfang in his full armor within game. Looking at this figure, underneath the Doomhammer gear is a set very reflective of Thrall’s current gear. Minus the Frostwolf Mantel and Belt. So, unlikely, not impossible, as the Core rig wouldn’t have to change.


I’m guessing by the NE this is some kind of equivalent of the MHP but I can’t for the life of me think of what the words are.


The Horde needs new blood characterisation. New orkish heroes along with old-blood cameos like ogres, mok’nathal or even the occasional Forsaken. They could go a bunch of directions with Voss alone.

New blood, not old.

Alliance too

Quit bringing back old chars. Limits the story direction.

Look what elves have almost done to both factions.

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I don’t necessarily disagree, but after almost a decade of absurdly deep neglect when it comes to developing the Horde roster, I think we’d be lucky if even Thrall was allowed to get back to his roots to the degree this figure implies. We no longer have the luxury of being picky.


Yeah actually, you do

Invent new characters. The Horde lagging in this regard is starting to get into the Alliance as well.

After the Turalyon and Alleria 10.whatever PULEASE invent new blood

Did you deliberately ignore the part where I stated the reason we can’t really expect for Blizzard to develop new characters, is because they refuse to even write the ones we have? That we’ve gone from Villain Bat Expansion, to Ignore the Consequences Expansion, to Irrelevance Expansion, to Villain Bat Expansion, to Ignore the Consequences Expansion. Where was the room to develop new characters? Its a fundamental writing philosophy issue with how Blizz writes the Horde that’s getting in the way of what you’re suggesting.