New update incoming and still no fix to guild permissions

So… acknowledged that this was an issue for us and still haven’t decided to fix it, eh? Is this another “we hear you, but we just don’t care” thing?

So much talk of community and how it’s important, and yet our guild permissions got screwed, making it difficult for some guilds, thus the sense of community.

Those of us who are annoyed by this haven’t forgotten. And we’re still miffed.

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I mean this is Blizzard we are talking about.

Yup. Watched it happen so many times with so many things. Including custom sounds now, too.

It’s not “fixed” because there’s nothing to “fix”. The devs purposely took away officer permissions customization for some dumb reason, probably because they thought some people were “abusing the system” or something so they decided to get rid of it.

Who knows if or when they’ll bring back permissions customization. Hopefully they eventually bring back permissions customization at some point.

It’s incredibly dumb that they even got rid of granular permissions control in the first place, given that it completely invalidates the need to even have more than three ranks in a guild.

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Did they take out authenticator requirement option?

I couldn’t find it.

They’re gonna give them to us in 9.0 as a new feature, it’s like when they prune abilities and give it back to us as talents and the masses cheer and applaud.

I’m not sure there was any way to abuse them. I ghjiy it’s more that they got lazy and had the communities “feature” built off of it and didn’t want to separate the permissions.

And yeah, it was stupid.

I believe so.