New update for MDT makes you pay for maps

Oooooh some tryhards are gonna be in big trouble now. Quite amusing that they think they’ll get away with blatently breaking TOS.

Oh who am I kidding…mythic tryhards get slaps on the wrist at the absolute worst.

Blizzard can literally ban you for absolutely no reason whatsoever if they so desire.

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This is really dissapointing. What a way to take something cool and ruin it.

What part of:

“Developers may not create “premium” versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features”

do people not understand? He’s literally creating a “premium” version of the addon for pay.


100% correct

The author took everything out of the addon except the map and the ability to draw arrows.

Now you have to pay for “Mob Data”. That is the definition of a “premium feature”

You can not do this with an in game profile. You can not add the stuff yourself while in game. You have to pay for the additional feature to be able to use it.

That is against the terms. It doesn’t matter if you think they should be able to or not. They agreed to the same rules as the rest of us when making a account. They agreed to following procedures that blizzard created.

Even if they have the legal right under normal law, those rights are forfeited when you click “I have read and agree to”

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Not sure why you quoted me? I literally said that.

It wasn’t a quote it was a reply and I was agreeing with you.

There I added a line. Should come across more clear.

Someone already created a “clone” of it with the maps included again, or you could just go to MDI’s github site and DL the missing data files yourself.

What do you all expect? Echo isnt getting that fat payday they got from Method anymore so they trying to increase their income in dodgy pos ways


Read it. Yes it is clear.

No… They’re not selling their routes… He’s now selling the data involved that allows you to create ANY routes. Those aren’t the same thing at all. Open the new MDT, and you’ll notice that all of the information that was previously provided is no longer present. All you’ll have is a bunch of empty maps.

If the add on was a car, it’s now one without an engine. In order for us to use it again… we have to re-build the engine. Or just find a back-alley seller.

In all honesty… bliz… Just build your own UI for this.

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So anyone charging a sub for any weak aura data would fall under the same scrutiny right. The addon is still free but you pay for some custom data. I’ll happily pay for anyone’s hard work if I use their data.

3.3.4 still has the data. Otherwise, reddit/google can guide you through the updated no-data versions.

Guide through how? Someone giving the data away?

Honestly all the Patrons and subs should cancel just to send them a message.

Download WowUp (it is an addon manager / updater like curse forge)

When that is up select “Get Addons” and then click on “install from URL” and paste this link into the field


This isn’t about the world first .

One of the members is the creater of Mythic Dungeon Tools and is trying to charge for a part of it , which is against the Blizz ToS regarding addons

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It has nothing to do with one of the addon download programs like Overwolf charging . This is the addon’s creator trying to charge people.

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Apparently the creator threw a fit and made a paywall out of spite after some people came into his stream and trashed him for losing the race.


Yeah this is just some man acting like a baby


Asa guy that uses Zygor without paying, i give about 1 week for the data to be available in grey sites.