Has their been word on what is happening with Undercity? Will it be open in TWW? Will it be for The Forsaken and Desolate Counsel?
Pretty sure it’s going to be a huge waste treatment plant.
I’m sure we’ll see updates to Lordaeron/the Undercity and Gilneas to make them more interactive… Eventually… We are going to Quel’thalas in Midnight, maybe there will be more changes to other parts of that continent?
No hints yet as to what will happen there. It’s securely held by the Forsaken and the surface at least is cleansed. I’m sure it’ll get an update someday, only question is whether they’ll just open Undercity back up and revamp that or develop the surface of the city into a new one.
Perfect, I needed somewhere to store my DH for TWW.
Why not both?
I mean maybe that’s the gateway to the new expansion zone. They tried to build the Under Undercity and went too deep.
…maybe adding some Light Undead.
They’re still cleaning up the blight.
They should just make a new undercity. Under undercity. Deeper and better than ever.
The Forsaken should live in Capital City, not below it.
Replace the Exodar with a real city. It’s way past time. Raze Org and make a pretty city instead of a convoluted desert mess. Silvermoon could use a revamp too.
If I had may guess, Lordaeron will get an update. However, Undercity will most likely become a dungeon. I can see the players dawning gas masks, going in there and dealing with all the undead and mutations that were left behind.
Gnomeregen and Undercity are the WoW community’s toilets. I think its better to just cover them with concrete and start over.
Would it be Under Undercity or Undercity Under, or Cityunder Undercity?
Please also consider Undercity 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Forget undercity we need a new flying Silvermoon!
There is an entire questline where we clean it up.
They’re still rounding up humans to put in cages down there to torture endlessly. Sylvanas didn’t think things through and get their victims out so now they need to stock up again.
More like Blizz didn’t think things through with Sylvanas storyline. They sorta ruined a fan favorite. Oh well they are setting up to ruin Alleria now with the Void. Ion just hates on the Windrunners.
We only clean up the surface. They mentioned that the Undercity itself is still pretty contaminated.
Which is currently being cleaned up.
They should bury it. That way it would literally be one giant grave site. How fitting would that be?
Good opportunity for a dungeon then. I’m pretty sure the Blight has mutated a lot of creatures down there.