Since you can only report people who are doing exploitable gameplay if you can SEE THEM AND THEN RIGHT CLICK ON THEIR NAME, botters and gold sellers of the black lotus mafia have come up with a new strategy: Two hunters hide in unreachable places and eagle eye two sides of the map, and have 7-10 rogues stealth in places where clusters of lotus spawn points, so nobody can report them. They’re here every single night from 10 pm st (est) untill like 12 pm st(est).
Every. Single. Day. No change in the names, they’re always the same exact name.
http:/ /prntscr .com/uq i7a9
remove the spaces and that’s a screenshot of /who in burning steppes. I went to bed at 8pm and woke up and no change in the the hunter and rogue list.
They’re doing this specifically to not be able to be reported. Because they’re in stealth, or at an unreachable place. WHO WANTS TO SEARCH FOR PEOPLE LIKE THAT JUST TO REPORT THEM???
like come on blizzard!!! LET US REPORT THROUGH THE /WHO FUNCTION this is ridiculous!!
Your cries fall on def ears. Blizzard just doesn’t have the man power allocated to managing bots effectively. Bots are basically like a hydra, ban 1 bot and two come back.
yeah what can a multibillion dollar company do I wonder… very hard to fathom.
They just don’t care. that’s the bottom line. They just don’t give a flying frick
htt ps:/ / /uqivpz
another screenshot of all of the guildless gold sellers / botters in the mafia remove the spaces
i just hate this garbage company they don’t know how to handle anything
You can report them from /who. Right click > Whisper then RCR.
A few thoughts:
- Multiboxing is not against TOS.
- Someone spending 2 hours each night looking for herbs isn’t really evidence of botting or other TOS-breaking activities.
- Are they really in inaccessible areas, or is it like the shattered columns in Neltharion’s boss room, that you can get to the top of if you jump just right.
Nothing you described would be breaking TOS, unless the hunters were in places you had to hack to get to.
Yeah well, they’re definitely gold sellers then. Being there every night for 16 hours. That’s against TOS. Track their gold. Guaranteed it’s something sneaky.
It’s funny that I see so many complaints about bots and around the clock farmers but then on every server I play on there’s quite a few people that are open about buying gold and/or try to justify buying gold to the point where it’s obvious they buy gold.
If farmers and “bots” seem more common now then they did in actual vanilla that’s probably because there’s way more people buying gold now than ever before.
Paid boosting is still the biggest driver of gold buying and gold selling.
Hate to break it to you but you can fly/clip through terrain and loot things from inside the ground. Those rogues are probably underneath the lotus.
the fact that private servers have better instant bans for fly hack/clipping says it all. If you go onto other well reputable private servers, and try to do that it’s usually an instant disconnect or ban. But on here, there’s literal up to date videos showing them do this inside instances. It’s mega-cringe.
I used to farm lotus 16 hours a day. People would whisper me then report me. It’s pretty lame that RCR even made it to Classic. Should have all been tickets.
Blizzard is a for-profit company, so they care only about money, by definition. I’m sure there is a lot more that they could do, but they have obviously done the cost-benefit analysis and concluded that it’s not worth it to do any more than they are currently doing.
People complain, but apparently they’re not unhappy enough to unsub because of it. And the complaints are easy to ignore, and they have no direct effect on revenue, so by themselves they are meaningless to Blizzard. It’s just noise.
To expand on this, they have clearly decided that the additional resources are not worth the expense for a game that they currently charge no money for (as it is an addon to the retail subscription) and aren’t monetizing (like retail with the store and the wow token).
Just send them a tell then you can right click report. I was having to do that with the strat bots because its really hard to catch them all in the city to report each one when they sell.
technically they have the resources man power whatever you want to call it, trouble is they dont seem to be willing to savagely destroy the RMT community as they should be.
Yes, and the cost benefit analysis changes over time. In the beginning wow was a new game that they thought/hoped would grow subscriptions over time. But to do that they had to run the game well. It costs money to look for tos violations and to have good customer service and they lose even more money when they ban for severe violations. That only makes sense if growth produces more money than the costs of customer service.
But now wow is a 15 year old game. Blizzard has come to the conclusion that subs will continue to decline and nothing can be done to get back the growth they had during the trilogy. The costs associated with running the game well won’t be off set by sub growth. So why spend it?
The plan at this point in the game is to spend as little possible to run the game and milk the declining game like a cash cow until it runs dry.
So sad, but so true. I remember when they had passion for the game and cared about the player base. Now 1 bot sub = 1 player sub.
Yes, but it’s not just the bot problem. I rarely contacted customer service in vanlla or BC and Wrath but when I did in several hours I’d get a response from a gm in my chat box. We’d have a short friendly and productive conversation that would provide a solution. Now you’re lucky to get a response in a couple of days. Or a solution.
For example in vanilla my blacksmith made two unique boe weapons for my rogue. Blue weapons that required a lot of hard to farm mats. I foolishly didn’t notice they were unique and tried to equip both of them. They both became soul bound but I could only use one. I contacted a gm and and in a few hours they removed the soul bound on one of the weapons. I doubt that would happen today.
It’s 16 hours.
You queue into some BGs and watch those ranker kids pop 20+ fap each per game, with whatever else on consumes you can think of you just know there is no way they are able to rank all day while also being able to afford that playstyle unless they have no job and only 24/7 for WoW. And even then its unlikely.
The amount of gold buyers is probably at an all time high.