Spriest nerfs are definitely a pog, didn’t need the mind trauma buff in the first place and nerfing the big flash heal is pretty big / nice too.
Arcane mage buffs worry me a bit though, spec already seems a bit dumb, just went against ele/arcane/rdruid and biggest damp comp / impossible to connect on to either mage or shammy, yet they both did a lot more damage than us due to being able to sit behind pillars and still cast, insanely fun.
They really need to push for casters to cast again.
I’m done reaching out for that carrot. This was suppose to be the patch that Evoker DPS was finally viable / had a place in rated 3v3 Arena.
The balancing philosophy is if you’re an evoker there is a healer shortage so preservation is the only good spec, and if you dont like it then go play Boomy, Sub Rogue, Spriest, or Demo Lock.
Absolutely dismantled Aug a week later, was fun while it lasted. I’m not holding my breath for reworks for Aug or Dev, pretty sure they’ll change pet battles and the archaeology profession before even creating a Devastation evoker to test.
The mastery on Devastation is horrible for PvP balancing and the spec will remain in the dumps till that is addressed so it doesnt cause a problem for the other classes / specs in the game
Cant hurt the fan favorites of whaazz and pikaboo’s chances in the AWC Tournament.
The only explanation that makes sense other than they aren’t queueing up with us.
Sub rogue has been grossly overpowered for 10+ weeks. It’s quite clear to anyone who plays the game, and they are intentionally avoiding nerfing it.
Trinketing kidney smoke bomb, only to get solo’d 100% to 0% HP through Obsidian Scales and Renewing Blaze in a single Kidney Shot Shadowy Duel solo attempt is riveting game play.
Much needed nerf on Black Attunement to reduce our hp by 7% during Obsidian Scales. Probably irked everyone to see Aug Evokers sometime living a Shadowy Duel solo mission 100% thru 0% despite popping your defensives before the kidney and outplaying and reading the situation
Except for DK (since it doesn’t really matter) all the PvE buffs for those getting them should not be applied to PvP. Period.
Also Affliction needs a tuning pass (a small one), Boomkin moon needs a slight nerf, and mobility for warriors needs a longer CD.
I’m sure most would agree when there’s more than 2 shadow school classes in arena or solo shuffle is pure CANCER. DR’s don’t hit properly, and yeah Mortal Coil needs to be on the same school as fear.
Love this recommendation, as micro cc’s are a problem, and this gives warlocks a challenging and interesting decision to make. Do you fear everything in sight for peels because it has no cooldown or punishment to use, or do you hold off on fearing a dps, because you might mortal coil it later with a swap?
Getting feared into the open, then Axe toss, into mortal coil combo is incredibly annoying and easy to execute, especially when you have a Tyrant free casting 50ks on you left and right
I feel like this is more a problem when it comes to demo than the other two specs. I don’t play at a high level though, so I’ll let someone more knowledgeable weigh in on that opinion
They also mentioned that there was something else that they’re discussing to be released monday or tuesday. The first direction that sent my mind is another meta-level change like trinket bonus or tank roles. I have a sneaking suspicion that they’re going to do something shuffle-related with augvoker, like another role-based rule of some kind.
Something often overlooked when slam gets buffed since its under the arms section, is that it’s also buffed for fury. That’s if we don’t see more people move away from annihilator/storm of swords into onslaught/ravager with the increases to the latter