New tuning: All DPS nerfed

To be honest I don’t like it. I felt like a third of DPS specs had burst that was too high, but I never felt in danger of dying outside of them.

Healers are too strong overall. Feels like health bars ping pong during CD trades and then nobody can die for 30-90 seconds. I thought both burst and general healing should come down so sustained damage felt threatening and offensive CDs didn’t feel like cheat codes.

With the changes, I will frequently find myself wondering why we don’t just have a gentlemen’s agreement to go stand in our starting areas until offensive CDs come back up :roll_eyes:


Ah good, more aimed shot and RF buffs - just what everyone wanted


No healing feels too weak in comparison. I would’ve liked a health buff in PvP as well



  • Windwalker
  • Developers’ notes: We continue to keep an eye on Windwalker damage, and feel they need a second incremental improvement to their relative performance. This round of tuning focuses on payoff for successfully executing the bonus effects of the Mystic Heron’s Discipline tier set, as well as increasing the damage of rotational Chi spenders in Rising Sun Kick and Fists of Fury.
    • Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by 20%.
    • Blackout Kick damage increased by 10%.
    • Rising Sun Kick damge increased by 8%. Does not apply to PvP.
    • Fists of Fury damage increased by 8%. Does not apply to PvP.
    • Blackout Reinforcement increased to 250% (was 200%).
    • Glory of the Dawn damage increased by 40%.
    • Dance of Chi-Ji bonus increased to 300% (was 200%).



Ur a brewmaster tho


I think it’s bad for the game when it feels like fighting w/o CDs is pointless until 3 minutes into dampening


NGL IM COMING back to ww tuesday and pushing

jk mmr still in the gutter


I’ve never had this issue and I play pretty high on the ladder

All the mages out there collectively clenched their booties.


like clockwork blizzard ends up continuously buffing hunters 2 button rotation by mid season and defacto makes arms the best melee in the game by continually nerfing anything that beats it. How do you justify gutting destro without nerfing unholy. How do you justify buffing windwalker and nerfing sub at the same time (the only spec that shuts down ww). Why does arms/ww/unholy/hunter cleaves always end up being meta. Anything that isn’t those specs are nerfed before we even hit the mid patch even despite being average or even low in representation.

This is why you always roll the easiest and most popular classes because they always end up being the meta by end of season

also hpally mana nerfs? really? I understand they decided its time for rshaman meta but was that really needed? How about buffing holy priest?

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Finally, feral got it’s regrowth un-nerfed.

That 20% boost will make me a solid off-healer for those moments when I can’t get in there to dps without dying.

Can’t wait to try it out next week.


moving target here is that when dmg is generally outpacing healing, any time a given spec could avoid damage, they need to. as a very narrow example, allowing any of the 8 good melee right now to hit you is pointless(if not actively harmful) to do for any longer than the extremely short time in which your team is pushing your win condition

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Good to see the implemented what I suggested. Dam was pretty crazy

u for sure smoked on that fat aşş coca cola if u think the meta constantly dictates around melee cleaves lmao


season 1 dh dk / hunter cleaves

season 2 aug + melee cleave / hunter cleaves

season 3 dh dk again (now dk ww) / hunter cleaves

warlocks nerfed into the ground before mid patch season 1

warlocks nerfed into the ground within 3 weeks of season 2

warlocks getting nerfed season 3 before mid patch

Yet lock is still s tier


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I think the big winners from the changes are specs that don’t need huge burst damage to win. So anything with a mortal strike and strong CC.

We just can’t keep Demo down :man_shrugging:

boomkin has consistently placed higher on ladder, solo shuffle, and AWC yet never gets nerfed

while warlock’s worst match ups consistently stay S tier and you have to deal with bad map pool weeks

Those lock nerfs, to destro, are fairly minor lol.

With healers retaining their current strength and all dps eating a blanket reduction to all damage will have to see how it plays out. Healers can already handle the damage for the most part, may make it a bit less stressful.

pushing further into the mana bar pve tho