Hi everyone,
Have a group of people who recently/still in process transferred to Pagle. Our original server seemed to be pretty dead. Currently have a L60 holy/disc priest, prot warrior, mage, rogue, hunter, & lock. May have an additional 60 hunter joining us and 3-6 other players who have not reached 60 yet.
We are looking for a guild that has a sense of community, helps its members, talks to it members, & does things with its members (anything from instancing, raiding, pvping, fun guild events, etc.). We are also looking to be part of a raid team that has a need for all of our classes/current specs. Looking to raid between 8-11pm EST. Many of us are still working on getting our BiS gear hence the need to do 5 mans & UBRS still. We do not want a guild where members are just logging on for raiding & then logging off. For us there is more to the game than raiding. We have no problem with being on discord or installing addons. I’d classify us as a casual-semicasual player/raider.
Willing to provide more info or chat in game, using this as a jumping board to see what’s available out there as there are a ton of guilds on here. Thanks for your time and responses!
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Would your warrior friend have any interest in DPSing in MC/BWL and possibly going tank for a 20-man group in ZG? We also have a competent main tank that could help with any questions your friend might have about Classic raid tanking if they want that.
We’re rebuilding our group after a guild split (most of our raiders stuck with us) and things have been going well (8/8 BWL, etc), just need to fill out our raid with some good, compatible players. We have several DPS slots and a couple healer slots available.
While every guild has its raid loggers, many of us are pretty active outside of our usual raid nights. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 8PM-11PM EST, which fits perfectly into your desired schedule.
If you want some more information, check out our guild recruitment post at [A] <Chaos> Tue/Thur 8PM - 11PM or just get in contact with one of us in Discord: https://discord.gg/RXgRVqq
Thank you for the response Andy, I have seen your recruiting posts a few times and like what your guild is about. Unfortunately, he is only interested in tanking. He is lvling a mage for dps, but will be awhile until that character lvled up and geared.
Are you available to speak in Discord real quick? We have our main tank here right now and we might have a way to work around getting him in to tank some. :^)
sorry i missed your response andy. Is there someone he could talk to in-game perhaps?
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Have you looked at Rebirth’s post by chance? If you think we fit what you are looking for lets chat. My Discord info is HelzBelz#0716. I want to fully understand what you and your friends are looking for. We are very careful on who we recruit because our guild social environment is just as important as our raid environment.
Yah, my name finally transferred over to the forums, so can finally respond on my actual character.
@Helzbelz yes, I have seen your recruiting post. I have written your guild down as a potential as well. I know at the moment the people I have with me are not needed for your core group. I would like to get more information about your casual/alt raids. At a minimum I have myself (holy/disc priest) and a prot warrior with me, we want to stick together as we play the game together just about every time we are logged in.
Others may follow including a mage (really wants to stick with us but has a bit more limited schedule than me and the warrior), hunter, lock, & rogue (the rogue most likely will not be able to raid unless times match us as they are on the west coast). We also understand it may be hard for all of us to stick together, but we at least have to try
Social community is equally important to us if not more than end game as well. We are looking for a strong community that talks to each other & helps one another out. Like I said, we all want to do endgame, but there is also more to the game than just raiding.
Ok reach out to me on Discord then. HelzBelz#0716 both the H and B are caps. We can chat some and take it from there.
@Prixiè If you would like to get in touch with either in game or on discord our discord is
My personal Bnet: Light#1416
Discord: Light#6052
We are also running BWL tonight and have a few open spots if you would like to get a taste of what our raid environment is like !
Hi there,
Like HelzBelz mentioned above, has had plans for a second raid group for a while now, but we are still actively trying to build a big enough roster for split runs. We are currently focused on MC (11/11) and BWL (6/8) for our official raid nights, but if you were interested, we’d love to have you along on one of our off night Onyxia raids to get a feel for what we’re like as a guild.
Helzbelz would be your first point of contact, but you can also contact me in game as well if you have any other questions.