New toon looking for guild

Good afternoon

I am looking for either a guild or group to raid with. I am fairly new to raiding (started raiding about a month or 2 ago), cleared Normal Amirdrassil and downed a few bosses on Heroic as Prot/Ret Pally but Im just not enjoying the class atm. I tried a few class trials for other classes that can also tank and instantly fell in love with DH so I have decided to reroll a DH. I will be working on gearing and practicing both specs so I can help fill a DPS or Tank spot.

I can be on anytime after 8pm PST, after I put my son to bed.

Hi Pyraelina,

I run a small casual EST social guild. We are always on discord when we are playing and are rebuilding after not playing since mid shadowlands and plan to run both some mythic+ and casual raid some. We are also super alt friendly as my current guild members each have at least 6 characters.

Happy to chat more if your interested my battle net is wyvernflame#1720 and my discord is wyvernflame

Hey Wyvernslayer! Thanks for reaching out. My only fear is because your guild is a EST guild, it wont be as active when I am on. I can be on 8pm PST (11pm EST). Otherwise, I would be interested in joining. I do want to stick with Belf DH though, but I dont think thats an issue since they allow cross faction guilds now, but if you want to stick with strickly Alliance, I understand

Ya I think the time difference would be the issue unfortunately.