New to Wyrmrest!

Hi! I’m brand new to Wyrmrest and someone in game referred me to here! I am a longtime rper on Moon Guard but I wanted to try Horde out and see how its like to Roleplay them and explore their areas! Do you all have any suggestions on how I can find Roleplay?


Welcome to Wyrmrest! What kind of RP do you like to do?

I’m sure a lot of people will have suggestions :slight_smile:


I am looking to try almost anything! I do all kinds on MG: combat, social, mostly social. I want to adventure and make friends!

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New to the Horde you say?

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Ive dabbled before but never hardcore. I usually when I Roleplay horde (at least when I tried originally) my horde didn’t seem big on faction conflict. Like this troll is just a stoner surfer dude at heart who talks to the elements.

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Well, I see… hm… Yes. Well we only accept the zuggiest of zuggers to zug around here.

So in this case you will be issued a temporary License to Zug, as kind of trial membership. If you indeed prove your worth as a true zuggist. You may be allowed to apply for permanent Horde status.

How much Zug Zug and Dabu do I need to do? What about Taz’dingo?


Hi! Hello! Welcome!

Go to Story Circle at least once. It’s nice to hang out. Maybe check out the guild tags. Stay afterwards for some after event Rp.

There is also the Mulgore market coming up on August 19th. That would be a good place to talk to people and check out the vendors.

But yeah, tell us what you would like to find Horde side.

Good luck! Wishing you the best!

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Thank you! That sounds great! Really I would love to meet rp contacts and go on little mini event adventures in the open world! Maybe I could practice my dming skills along the way too! I really want to grow as a roleplayer and a writer; while I will always be an Alliance main (I have one very developed human paladin and a worgen druid I’m working on), it would be interesting to the game from the other faction. I think people who say horde=bad miss the whole idea that no one is a monolith. In fact, I think I’ve interacted with more “evil” Alliance characters than Horde. Anyways, yeah! I wanna find people to go on quests with! Cross faction is awesome too!


We also accept Taz’dingos.

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That is awesome!

We can always use more people that DM adventures, even if they are for smaller groups. I would love to get with you some time too. Maybe our characters can be friends. I know my shaman will. He gets along with a lot of folks.

Yes, I totally get that. I have met characters on both sides that have been just foaming at the mouth about factions. There are different kinds of folks on both factions and it can be an interesting dynamic. I will admit that some of my characters are neutral so they associate with both factions.

Story Circle and the Market are actually neutral events too so Alliance are welcome as long as they don’t start trouble.

One more thing! The Southfury Watch’s Soup Night and the Saberguard Lounge Night are also great events. Casual socials so more opportunities to meet other characters. Soup night is the first Wednesday in Crossroads and the Lounge is on Fridays but I am not sure when the next one is. Maybe this Friday? I’ll have to ask.


Thank you for the info! I’m really excited! I wouldn’t mind bringing an alliance toon to the neutral events, I have just the character in mind. Do you mind if I send your guy mail when the servers come back on and I get back from work?

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Now, given that the Earthen are all literally carved from stone, you could argue that they are a monolith.


Please do! Sorry for the late reply. I have had a busy few days. Look forward to hearing from you!

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