New to WoW rp and would like a little help

That’s a really unique and cool take on the artifact/relic thing! I like that idea a lot, and it makes a lot of sense as an interesting route to take ICly for that kind of thing! Thank you for sharing that. :smiley: It’s awesome how real life occurrences can help add flavor to the roleplay world, and are a good source for brainstorming headcanons/ideas.

(Also, Kits, if you see Nazgo’rak out in the wild, feel free to poke him! He may seem cranky, but-… Okay, he is cranky, but he could probably use a hug.)


Nazgo’rak is awesome! Both IC & OOC.

Gotosh is awesome! Both IC & OOC.

Given the quality of commentary the others have offered I suspect they are also. I recognize some of the names. But those two are the ones I’ve had the privilege to interact with often. And before they try to turn it into a mutual admiration society … mostly I watch. IC. Like a spy. So don’t believe anything they say about me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Headcanon is tricky to discuss publicly. In my experience the ones who’ve really thought deeply about it don’t say much about it OOC. for obvious reasons. But in the course of RP I can usually tell who’s open to the complexities of reading between the lines.


:relaxed: Kunbo, your kindness makes me blush under my carapace! Darn you for that! We Mantid warriors are meant to be stoic and unfeeling, outside of our love and devotion to the Empress! (I hear we are burying the most recent one sometime this week. :cold_sweat: Mantid-kind is beginning to look like a bit of a laughing stock, you guys. But alas, since I am in exile, I shall have to observe the funeral from afar.) But I digress, how dare you make me look silly in front of everyone on this public forum by making me bashful! [Grumpy chittering noises.]

In all seriousness, Kunbo is a great guy and you should totally come to his Quilen Tea House the next time he hosts it. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s a really relaxing and no-judgments atmosphere. I have yet to meet Gotosh, and many of the other lovely people on this server, though I look forward to doing so in the future, I hope!

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You have all been incredibly welcoming to me as a new player. I can’t begin to thank each of you enough. I look forward to meeting you all in game. I just hope I get to repay the kindness and pay it forward in the future.


I think everyone said it beautifully, so I have no tips to add but I can volunteer Rae (Oraedia) for interactions. If you ever run across her feel free to say hello or just add her to friends. I’ve spent much time with new RPers and am never opposed to taking time to explain things or answer questions ooc, mid roleplay. :slight_smile:


Ah shucks…thank you, but also SHUSH you’re a wonderful person Kunbo.

Also don’t worry too much about paying us back, I think the most I could ask for myself is just to be kind as well to others and be helpful where people need it.

I’m really touched at the amount of positive vibes in here. Too often I think people are too scared to ask for help due to awful comments and the toxic internet mentality that’s been formed. Everyone in here keep being awesome and keep reaching out and working to make this place more positive and helpful and promoting kindness to others.


I will keep an eye out for you.

I was a little scared to even ask considering how things go sometimes. But people have been so cool on this server so far. I am happy to have found a new home after all my in-game friends left the game on my old server.

People have even been cool to my elderly mother who got into this game years ago to spend time with the kids. I caught her in a group of people last night doing world quest. (This is an elderly woman who takes 3 minutes to find her mount button and people spent the time to help her out.) Thanks for being so cool Wyrmrest.


I am 63 so I know how your mother feels. If she ever wants to meet up, the teahouse is a good place to chat. I also have a couple of Pandaren in Stormwind University.

There’s more of us around with snow on the roof than people might think. It’s just that we’re too busy having fun to act our age. (Or at least how the stereotypes portray us)


One is only “too old” when they start telling themselves “too old”! :smiley: Some people don’t believe me when I say that, but I have seen it to be totally true!

And we are glad to have you here, Kitsunrei! It is always a great thing to be able to log into the game, and get to be around people who make you smile. I know that for me personally, the people I’ve met on Wyrmrest so far have done a lot to brighten my days. I’m very thankful.

[Ugly bug cries on everyone’s shoulders, pulling them all in for a group hug.] :sob: (Seriously, though, I know we weren’t supposed to turn this into the mutual appreciation thread, but I love you guys.)

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