New to WoW rp and would like a little help

I have been doing a little of this already. What are market nights? This is one I have not seen yet but sounds interesting. I do plan to go to the Lunar festival on the first and try and get to know a few people.

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There are several IC events run by different players/guilds/communities. If you’re on Tumblr, search for Wra Horde Events or Warcraft’s a Stage. You’ll also see the events advertised on on the forums and on Discord servers.

Feel free to add me on Discord as Tamani#2391 if you have more questions. My guild and several others do a monthly cross faction market event on the 3rd weekend of every month. The Gilded Market.


“Market Night” was a more or less generic term. Season craft fairs, bazaars, the specific events get all sorts of labels. Basically RP (like that mentioned by Tamanii) somehow themed around people setting up booths and selling or trading.


I will make sure to check that out. Sounds like fun. And I will keep an eye on the forums for other events. Thanks you for the help. Role-players are a lot more helpful and friendly than you hear from people playing on other servers. But then again I am not sure many of the people I played with back in the day spent much time on a rp server.


Someone’s probably mentioned this, but just for emphasis: never be afraid to invoke OOC communication if you’re unsure, uncomfortable or if you’d like to talk outside of RP.

99% of people won’t have an issue with it and will gladly help out. The 1% that does mind, you can probably live without their RP.


That is good to know. I was messing around a little last night but had to send the guy a few tells. I was wondering if that was bothering him. He seemed ok with it. Mostly wanting to make sure he was ok with an attempted contact. (I am not all about all the vulpera cutesy stuff, but I do like their gesture of thanks. It just kind of fits what I want to do with this character.)

From wow wiki. “One vulpera gesture of thanks apparently consists of licking the other person on the cheek.”

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This is pretty important depending on the type of knowledge your character has on current politics and world events. Betty the flower girl probably doesn’t care much about Kul Tiran politics and how Jaina made up with her mother, just that she’s somehow their leader now.

This is headcanon, but I’d imagine hella young due to their war with the Sethrak. It’ll probably be much better now that they are teamed up with the Horde and Sethrak clashes are mellowing out. Maybe ~40-50?


For most groups, it’s an anythings go. Sometimes someone will give ya grief, but you could probably mock them for being picky about an allies outfit.

Some guy questioned why my Lightforged Draenei would show off their thighs when venturing onto a mountain, to which I reminded them that I had fought in the Twisting Nether for an incredibly long time and that the mountain peaks of Azeroth are nothing in comparison.

Sure I could have just changed my mog, but I’ll be damned if I’m just going to change my outfit cause someone was being a prude.

Though I’d say that unless you’re a follower of N’zoth, ya might not want to RP in N’zoth garb :sweat_smile:. However, if then, if you’re creative enough, ya can really pull off anything.


This brings up an interesting question I did not think of when asking about transmog. What if anything can your character learn about another character based on their transmog? As an example, Kit wears the Lorewalkers Tabard given to him as the only clothing he had by the Pandaren who set him free. He keeps it out of respect, and to remind him. Just as taking the Pandaren’s family name was to honor his dead friend.

I am guessing a lot of transmog wouldn’t always be for lore reasons. Nor would they necessarily say something about the character you are interacting with.

Thank you for your reply Autai.

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So with TRP3, you can add things like this in a “At a glace” section. If this is something of importance that you want others to observe for your character, then adding that tabard is probably not a bad idea. Otherwise, folks may or may not bring it up.

Does Kitsunrei camp out a lot? Maybe you put “worn knapsack” as one of them. Does he have scars? A dead eye? Have a snaggletooth or mole under the eye? Missing an arm or the tip of his tail? All things that the “at a glace” gives you the opportunity to include. However, I believe it has the limit of 5 observation, so you’ll have to choose your more important ones.

The “at a glace” is a really cool feature that I recommend playing around with. Only folks with the TRP3 addon can see these though, but folks do indeed notice them and often do interact with you just to get to know the story.

Not necessarily. A lot of people base their transmog off their characters personality or past. My sister played a Worgen where literally nothing matched because she was just a scavenger. She’d pick up armor from corpses and see if it fit her. Her looking like a mess had folks question her sanity a bit. Some people always hide their face due to being outlaws so they always have a full helm on or something as well.


I didn’t even notice that part of TRP. Thanks for the tip. I will definitely play around with that tonight. And I will keep an eye out for that on other’s TRP.

That is good to know. (And a neet idea lol. would be a really fun way to play a character.) I don’t want to just blindly ignore something people work hard on. Thanks for taking some time with me. :slight_smile:


Totally, it’s a great tool to give folks (and yourself) something to work with when approaching.

I hope you have fun dipping into RP! There are hits, and there are misses. It’s all in good fun in the end. Definitely suggest looking for in-game events or even asking around taverns/the bartenders to see if they can give you information on any upcoming events.


So far it has been a blast. People are a lot different than the picture you get of Role-players when playing on a non rp server. (I should have known this as a fan of D&D.) And all of you here in the forums have been so helpful.


Frankly, I don’t think I could go back to being on a non-RP server. Did it up until MoP and haven’t turned back. It’s just a lot more fun and immersive…even if the Raiding and PvP guilds are a bit harder to find.

Glad you’re having fun, WRA is a gem of a server.


Hello, I’m Kass. I bring the dour warnings and commentary.

RP is complicated and nuanced, and you’ll eventually figure out what you do and don’t enjoy. Eventually. It’s also something you learn over time.

There’s also a lot of different aspects to it. Eventually, you’ll probably be really good at some things, but poor at others. That’s normal.

Additionally, know that you aren’t required to RP something you don’t want to. Some people do try to pressure new RPers into things, though your mileage of this issue is sort of dependent on where you RP and what you RP as (you may not even encounter this issue at all).
If you end up in an RP guild, or with an RP partner, and it starts to feel like you’re being threatened or pressured, you can leave them. It’s a big server. You’ll find others. Don’t let empty threats of blacklists/whatever fool you.


Hi Kass. I will for sure keep that in mind. I have only been in a few RP situations so far. I haven’t really seen anything get out of hand. But I did spend some time in large guilds back in the day. I have ran into a few people I did not mesh well with. But this in WoW has not seemed to be the norm. Probably because for the most part I have stuck with people I grew up with from EQ.

Thank you for your reply. And thanks for the tips.

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Just wanted to pop in here! So glad to hear you’ve been having a great time. Take this at your own pace, and so far these people in here have been more than helpful so never be afraid to ask a friendly face for advice. There will be people who might feel like they should have control, or maybe even make you feel bad for asking- but please don’t feel bad.
Also for mogs, if the item is a ledengary artifact or something notiable, you don’t have to NOT use it because it’s a notiable weapon. It could just be the right shape and size, but not not related to say some great weapon.
Funnily enough , when I perform as Thrall for events or plays I don’t even use the Doomhammer artifact! I use the Heirloom mace appearance (which use to be the Mass of Mcgowan) because that’s what Thrall’s mace looked like in-game before it was ever updated to the glorious Doomhammer it is today.

So it’s all how you decide to use it. Mog is one of my favorite things collect!!

Enjoy this universe and take care of yourself.

If you ever see Gotosh in character you’re more than welcome to say hello!


Welcome to RP!

Lots of great info already posted here. I scrolled through and didn’t see it mentioned, so I’m sorry if I missed it, but you can always add “New to RP” in your TRP to let others know. I would put it in the OOC section, so people see it when they glance over your character!

I always recommend people new to RP sitting in a spot that has heavy RP traffic, like the Wyvern’s Tail in Org, and just watching others interact. (Again, if that was already mentioned, my bad, I only saw about going to public events!) That’s how I learned anyways.

If you ever see me or anyone in Kalimdor Logistics in-game and would like some help/practice with RP, please feel free to whisper us!


I will make sure to say hello. And thanks again.

I kind of like hearing things over because of how it reinforces the idea. I kind of have my own secret agent man who stalks Orgrimmiar OOC listening to people. Totally not in a creepy way of course. Ok, he might be a little creepy. :blush:

Thanks for replying and I hope to run into all of in-game sometime.



All of this is just my personal way of handling & responding to situations. More than once I’ve had a player whisper me asking in advance if it’s ok for their rogue to pick my character’s pocket IC. As long as you are considerate of other players there’s a lot of freedom in how your character behaves.

A couple of comments on two quite different things others have mentioned:

  • Licking -

Some people use this emote OOC the way irl we’d wave hello to a stranger. Strictly personally when it’s done OOC by a stranger using this particular emote rather than a wave or a smile seems so odd to me that it’s a bit off-putting. Especially when I’m just walking through town minding my own business. I’ve had strangers do it in IC situations also - from 30 feet away! Which makes no sense to me - kinda breaks lore to have a 30 foot long tongue :smiley:

As a general rule of thumb for non-verbal interactions I try to keep in mind that …

In the major cities of Azeroth there’s such a mix of cultures that I think it’s important to consider how your character would behave in the midst of strange and sometimes bizarre behaviors by strangers. Custom emotes can help here. Just as a hypothetical example: “/e 's tongue sticks out just a bit. His behavior makes clear that he’s unsure how the stranger will respond to his attempt at showing his thanks.”

You can probably expect that from time to time there will be IC misunderstandings. Which quite different from misunderstandings between players. In RP it’s considered polite - and always appropriate - to confer in whispers player to player. Especially when there’s potential IC conflict. And most especially with people you haven’t RPed with often enough to know what the player’s comfortable with.

In the case of strangers licking one of my characters I try to always respond by letting the player know in whispers that it bugs me as a player, rather than have my character go off on them the way i would if a stranger licked me irl.

I can tell a lot about a potential rp partner by how the respond to me making clear what my boundaries are. I don’t always do a good job of being polite about it, but I try.

Second topic:

  • Artifacts & other unique in game looks:

Just as with behaviors in a foreign country, I take some lessons from RL history & customs.

Throughout human history people have used relics considered to have some sort of power. It might be a claw, tooth or feather of a totem animal. Might be having a religious symbol blessed by an appropriate professional. Knights in medieval Europe often had relics of saints incorporated into the pommel of their swords. Some crusaders even had what they believed was a splinter of the Cross built into their weapon. There’s also at least one case of a bishop having a custom mace that sprinkled holy water on whoever he was beating the crap of.

So if i have a character with what obviously looks like gear that according to lore is unique, my headcanon is that it’s a reproduction with a tiny relic of the true object attached or inserted into it.


I think it was an Inquisitor Aura video I was watching that touched on IC contact. I have watched a lot of her videos before I chose to move to Wyrmrest Accord. Anyway, she said something about sending tells to the other player to ask first. She also talked about attempting instead of just doing an action. The few interactions I have had so far I have tried to keep to that.

This very much looks to be a lot like what she was talking about and what I have tried to stick to. I have not yet got into any misunderstandings but I consider myself an easy-going guy and at least in D&D, a little IC conflict can be fun.

One reason I like the vulpera thanks is just that there is not much lore for them as it is. I kind of gravitated to that little piece and decided to make it a part of his personality. I also thought it could get him into a few situations that could be fun to talk your way of. :slight_smile:

One good thing for me, at least with this character, I am not a fan of weapons. (I love the Handwraps of Serenity transmog because of this.) I think my biggest question around transmog was when interacting with other players transmog. I think I was overthinking it a little honestly. I have had some good interactions so far and I don’t think I even noticed other players transmog.