New to WoW Classic, need a bit of direction but don't need any handholding either

Played retail for about a month where it rushed me to end game, wasn’t a fan. Played SoD for about a week and a half and stopped because I didn’t like the idea of it being a “season” and that I would have to wait on “phases” to release in order to continue training my character. Cata on the other hand is giving me what I want: it’s not retail and seems to be the stable version of classic rather than feeling like a temporary experiment like SoD.

Can anyone give me a vague roadmap of what I should be doing from the beginning all the way to level 85 or to the zone where the majority of players are? I don’t need anything too detailed since I understand there’s no real “way” to play an MMO and I’m already familiar with the basic things such as how to repair items, professions, talents, using flight paths. I’m just a bit too lost right now since I’m hardly coming across any other players and I’ve just been mindlessly picking up quests to level up. All I did so far was knock out any quest I could in my starting area Shadowglen, and now I made it to the Darkshore basically having the same experience: running around aimlessly doing quests and not seeing anyone around. When starting out, do most people typically go to a specific zone right away where most players are at, run dungeons, or what? The game just hasn’t been coming together for me yet. Is it even worth running these small quests or should I be powerleveling somewhere instead? For example, I just did this quest called The Ritual Bond and got this blessing of the stag for +10% movement speed. I have no idea if it’s permanent or if it carries over into other zones.

Well, its not seasonal per se, but cata will have phases too. We are in the pre-phase for the Tier 11 raid tier (Tier 11 is the first raid tier of cata). In about 3 months we will enter into the next phase, Tier 12 raiding.

As for getting started, you can just make a character of any race and class and just start going. The only thing I would suggest is check out and check out demographics, basically all but one of the classic servers are dominated by one faction. You wouldn’t want to play Alliance on Mankirk or Horde on Pagle for example, and that’s not something you’ll discover until it’s too late.

While leveling, professions dont matter. Gathering professions like Mining and Herbalism will grant bonus experience and the materials can be sold on the auction house for some starter gold, then you can swap professions later.

As far as talents, you really cant make a wrong choice. Just pick whatever sounds good and go, they can be reset later after you know the play style of your class and can make more informed decisions later.

Flight Paths are basically save points in the world and are connected to each other. You can fly from any Flight Path to other flight paths to prevent having to walk from one place to another

Repairing is just something you do when you go to town. You just look for a guy with an anvil icon on the mini map if you are tracking it, and it repairs your gear. Not really something you have to pay attention to until later really.

If this is your first experience with wow, my advice is to not take advice. Just take it one day at a time. The capital cities such as Stormwind will give you a breadcrumb to direct you to a new place to level if you ever find yourself without any quests to do.

At level 58, you are done with the base game and can look for breadcrumbs to direct you to Outland (Hellfire Peninsula)

At level 68, you are done with the first expansion and can look for breadcrumbs to direct you to Northrend (Borean Tundra/Howling Fjord)

At level 80, you are done with the second expansion and can look for breadcrumbs to direct you to the current expansion cataclysm (Mount Hyjal/Vashj’ir).

Wall o’ text.

If retail wasn’t your cup of tea not sure if you are going to like CC (cata classic). I mean they are different but ultimately the same game, just with some changes. What type of games do you normally play?

Why make up an acronym and then define it in parenthesis right beside it? Just seemed a bit funny :slight_smile:

I usually play MMOs like runescape and eso. Retail just has too much going on and the journey didn’t feel grindy at all.

You start out by hoping on the store and buying some tokens…

From there you may purchase many kinds of loot and consumables as well as materials for your profession of choice.

Then you click LFD…

Wait for like 7-15mins???

Now that you have been kicked from a few groups it’s time to learn what to do! Google wowhead and look up each dungeon and follow the guide to the T!

Back to the store for more tokens and the trainer to respec your class…

Now… Hit LFD again.

7-15mins… :scream::clown_face::man_shrugging:t2:

Ok did you clear it? Welp… back to the store and some more tokens and some even better gear! Enjoy!

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Cuz I can!

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I would like to give some detailed response about how WoW is better than Runescape or ESO but I’ve never played Runescape and I only played ESO for like 1 hour like 5 years ago so…
