any advise on best character for pve?
I think the best character completely depends on what you wanna do. Nothing wrong with making some of every class and figuring out what you like the most. My favourite is Paladin and Druid cause they’re fun and easy to play!
Hi! and thank you for the warm welcome I enjoy the questing of the game and trying to go through it without help until I really need it
I see. In that case let me expand on my favourites.
I like Paladin because you can deal some serious damage and still heal and shield yourself when the situation becomes dire. I play retribution and still have the versatility and perseverance you’d expect from a plate wearing holy warrior.
I like Druid for a lot of the same reasons, while looking like a super cool animal. I play Guardian because I love being a bear made out of tree branches that can take a beating until the next expansion comes out. Bear tank is really easy to learn and has lots of abilities to negate damage and sustain you in the fight.
It looks like you picked hunter which is also really good for solo play. You can get exciting new pets that excel at different things while dealing some serious damage at range.
Class numbers constantly change on what’s “best” depending on that current season for both PvE and PvP. Try out a few different classes and try to find what you enjoy the most and don’t worry about anything end-game related (yet). Damage numbers while leveling aren’t a good indicator on what’s going to be best at end-game.
Today, tomorrow and forever.
a bear made of branches? that sound neat
don’t get me wrong if I need help ill ask I just like seeing how far I can go by myself if I can actually kill some monsters
Hello and welcome to WoW! I hope you enjoy your time. Any dwarf character will do.
I suggest you take multiple quizzes that ask you things like “do you like summoning suggestive whip demons?” Or “have you ever imagined yourself stabbing someone to death and then staring at their corpse while licking their blood off your daggers, you sick sick bastard?”
Surely these will give you an accurate idea of what themes you like, and then you can go from there.
I know it seems biased, but you can’t go wrong with Hunter. Go out into the world and make friends, have them fight for you, and never have to worry about getting too close to the enemy.
May want to create some class trial characters to get the feel for them first, beyond that you really want to know if you like in your face melee or doing devastating damage at range or a mix of both! For Melee, Paladin, Rogue, Warrior or for a more nuanced take on it Survival spec Hunter is fun. Death Knights are straight up tanks for Melee though the specs have different strengths, Demon Hunters are a sort of special case but a great deal of fun if you can adapt to the simple rotation and timing. Druids, depending upon specialization are a good all around choice…they give you strong melee as well as ranged firepower. The rest is more or less a dog’s breakfast and depends on what feels right to you. I’ve gotten strong showings from Ice and Arcane mages, holy priests, elemental shamans and of course Destruction warlocks…other specs are fun but require learning a more complex rotation to be effective…a nice challenge later on but maybe a bit complex for now…you decide. The lists are narrower for PVP, but for PVE, within limits nearly any spec can be fun. Welcome in and I hope you have a blast! Oh, do not ignore crafting, it can be helpful to earn a bit of pocket change along the way and don’t let the Auction House scare you off…Materials sell well generally speaking.
I knew I was missing something. I couldn’t put my finger on it though until you made it so obvious. Thanks Vanndrel!
thank you for all the tips I appreciate it
I really like the game play for monk. I’m not a big min-max need to top charts player and I know the class well enough that I find it comfortable to play in most content. I think stick to play what is fun for you and don’t chase flavor of the month. You will always play better on the class you find fun and know the best.
A lot of guides in WoW are written as if you are doing the most difficult content in the game and in reality most of us are not. If you are striving for that, great, those are good resources but most of the time you don’t need to worry super hard on a lot of that if you are just doing say timerunning or world content.
Otherwise it might take you awhile to find what is fun for you. Sometimes I take breaks from my monk and go back to my old priest main or try something like hunter or shaman again.
just finished the free run and loving it so far ! lets see what else WOW has so exciting
Glad to see you’re having fun! Add another recommendation for monk. They are a solid choice for PvE. There are plenty of options for classes that offer up the chance to play as either a dps, tank or healer. Experiment with a few classes and you will certainly find yourself gravitating to one that you really enjoy.
In my personal process of learning “How to WoW” playing BM Hunter helped a lot. A lightbulb went on when I realized it’s sort of a solo version of a raid party. Pets do the close-up fighting (tank) while you stand back most of the time doing ranged dps and healing the pets. Means even if you never play another class you understand the main roles in any group running an instance. And as a solo player sooner or later you’re still going to have to run some kind of group content for a quest - the infamous “bottleneck” of solo leveling.
sidenote: I post here on my monk character because he’s my main for RP and how most people know me. But for running new content I mostly play BM Hunter - then later play some other classes just for fun.
It looks like you already rolled a dwarf hunter. Now go read Flintlocke’s guide to Azeroth and tell me that you haven’t picked the best combination ever!
The best class/race for anything is whatever you like to look at all the time while playing the game. Good luck! welcome to WARCRAFT