New to WOW - 40ish orc Warrior looking for guild

Hey everyone.

Long story short I’m recovering from some surgery and decided to pick up WOW to help pass the time. Been soloing questing and just started doing dungeons as DPS. Would like to learn how to tank and hang out. Usually on in the evening eastern time.

Current realm is Kil’Jaeden

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Hi Ogand! We are a small, but growing guild looking to grow our family!

Found a Green Quest (Est. March 2018) a horde PVE guild with a cross-realm community is located on Zul’jin. We’re a small but growing fun, friendly, social family. We have a big focus on fun in and out of Azeroth.

We host community events such as fun contests, leveling groups, crazy mythics/dungeons/raids and more!

If you would like more information, have any interest or have any questions please reach out to me on here, or discord.

Real ID: Kiua#1912
Discord: Kiuayoukai#2395

Hi Kiuayiukai,

Sounds like fun. How do i start?

  • List item

Mediocrity is a semi-hardcore guild, based on Thrall-US, created by players who want to maintain a mellow time in-game but also push content in a meaningful way. We aim to improve where we can and strive to play as our best selves, even though we may not be the best players. Led by previous CE raid experience, Mediocrity is for the folks who have interest in raiding with a progression-minded group but on a more relaxed schedule with a calm and fun approach.

We’re happy to be home to players of all types - in addition to pushing new content, we also complete M+ keys regularly, level alts, complete backraiding, old content, and dabble in PvP. If you’re a new (or returning player) looking for a home to spread your wings and learn in, Mediocrity is happy to help. Practice makes perfect and everyone has to start somewhere. :slight_smile:

We provide all food/pots/enchants etc. to raiders and core guild members

If interested in giving us a try, we’re running Heroic EP clears on Tuesday/Thursday and a Mythic EP PUG on Wednesday :slight_smile:

Progression Raid Times

  • Tuesday 9-11:30pm EST (6-8:30pm PST)
  • Thursday 9-11:30pm EST (6-8:30pm PST)

Optional Heroic re-clears created throughout the week

If interested feel free to DM me , contact me the GM at Fire#1110 (Discord), Fire#1218 (BNet)a

Hi Ogand! Send me a real ID friend request, or discord request. Kiua#1912 for real ID or Kiuayoukai#2395