Hi, friends!
I’ve recently picked up Classic again because WoLK is coming soon, and I am searching for a new guild to call home as we head into Northrend!
Ideally, I’m looking for a guild that raids two (to three) days a week for a few hours. Nothing intense. I’ve been in a world first raiding guild and that’s not me anymore. But I do still want to progress and have fun with a group!
Right now I’m leveling my Hunter (BM or MM), but I will probably start something else after capping. I’ve mained healer since Cata’s launch, so that’s where my heart is at, but I started WoW on a Hunter so I wanted to take it back.
You can reach me on Discord (TwistedSpookie#5163) or BNet (Spookie#1973) if you want to chat more!