New to Server Hunter LF Raiding Guild

Hi, friends!
I’ve recently picked up Classic again because WoLK is coming soon, and I am searching for a new guild to call home as we head into Northrend!
Ideally, I’m looking for a guild that raids two (to three) days a week for a few hours. Nothing intense. I’ve been in a world first raiding guild and that’s not me anymore. But I do still want to progress and have fun with a group!
Right now I’m leveling my Hunter (BM or MM), but I will probably start something else after capping. I’ve mained healer since Cata’s launch, so that’s where my heart is at, but I started WoW on a Hunter so I wanted to take it back.

You can reach me on Discord (TwistedSpookie#5163) or BNet (Spookie#1973) if you want to chat more!

Greetings Spookieqt! Rested XP is looking for more DPS for Wrath. Our group will raid on Saturdays and maybe Sunday evenings. Raid signup sheet is available via Discord. Visit our Discord at