I haven’t Role Played since WOTLK / Cata, and I really want to return to doing it ! I’ve NEVER set foot on Moonguard before BUT, I’ve heard this is the most populated RP server.
Any guild reccomendations? or even tips to make friends ?
have a good trp filled out, sometimes that will get people to approach you.
as for guilds, there are sooo many, it really depends on how involved you want to be with RP, some are very strict with huge stories and campaigns, and others are more into personal stories and more casual about it, and others dont at all.
best bet is to reconcile your goals with what you are looking for.
making friends on the server is actually pretty easy, there are a lot of very friendly people here.
You’ll need to have a little patience as it will take a bit to find your own groove and then find people you vibe with. I recommend going to as many Server RP events as possible (keep an eye out here on the forums).
Try to join a few WoW RP community Discords as well. They offer a lot of intermingling OOC wise and can lead you to finding the type of communities you are looking for. If you do a forum search here on “Discord” you should find some older forum posts with references and links to some of their communities.
Also, just wondering about in the populated areas can open up some RP opportunities, or at least help get you immersed into your character and aide in further developing them!
Again, patience is key, and understand there are all walks of life that are involved in RP, so don’t assume everybody is willing or wanting to be nice, so try not to take that personally, especially in the beginning.
Hope you find the content and the people you’re hoping for soon!
Welcome to Moon Guard! I joined the server back in Wrath after leaving Silver Hand, and haven’t looked back since. It has been years since I was involved in the guild side of RP, but pretty much all I do these days is RP in the city and work on my professions so I know a thing or two about walk-up and random RP.
The comments above are both great. To those I will add that for your TRP, don’t worry about filling in the about section before starting to RP. In my opinion, the priority should be on the things that other people will see easily and make them want to engage you. So these are your IC and OOC tags in the “Miscellaneous” tab, as well as your At-a-Glances. It helps to call out types of RP you prefer and types you want to avoid, as well.
Also, and this may be easier after you’ve established your character and have a decent idea of who they are, but having a section in your “About” with RP hooks is great. These are little situations or open-ended circumstances that make it easy for other players to improvise a connection to your character. Hooks can be something that is obvious from looking at your character, something about their past that your character may share with someone else, or some goal they are currently working towards. For example, with Dloin I call out that he served in the second war but not the first nor third, he used to spend a lot of time in Ratchet, Bogpaddle, and Booty Bay, and that he wears colorful and stylish clothes specifically to get people to talk to him.
All in all, I’m glad you found your way to Moon Guard! If you need any further help, advice, or want to RP some, feel free to seek me out. I’m always on Dloin and always down for RP.
Welcome to Moon Guard! Like Yveti provided, I’d definitely check out the discords. The Grand Alliance discord is honestly a great resource for finding guilds, especially after they’ve changed over to the forums format. It’s easier to take a look at what’s there.
I also suggest getting some helpful add ons, besides TRP3 and its extended sister, if you want to enjoy some music download Musician, Also Elephant to look back and RP segments since it holds up to 10,000 characters, Listener is also helpful to help you keep track of a conversation and pings you when someone says your name, but the important thing is take your time when it comes to Character development andenjoy when i first started i joined the Stormwind City Guard and its been hella fun, try out different toons and make your story up as you go, also remember try not to Metagame or be a god modder
My one thing of advice is to just let it happen naturally. Wander about, make some IC connections, find communities and befriend people as you go and just let things happen organically. There’s plenty of writing to be done and none of it needs to be rushed. Just have fun.
I can’t support this statement enough, joining different discord servers can definitely help. however there is a little trick I adopted that impressed my current rp partner try rping with a cute pet and have it interact with other people that usually can start conversations as well. I had a little helper yeti pet named Grub that would use sign language to communicate his needs and once tugged on a a lady mages gown curious about a book she was reading struck a conversation up with my warrior at the time.
Identifying what you want to play as and do would be a good first step, there’s plenty of folks who’d be able to chime in with suggestions going from that point. There’s a couple MG community discords also that have multiple events of various sorts posted routinely along with the things sometimes posted here.