Good morning. New to the server and RP looking for a home to establish new roots. I’m looking to be part of an active community and learn what RP is all about. I’ve been playing the game for many years and coming back from Classic so I need to get re-acclimated. Are there any relaxed Horde guilds looking for new membership?
RP with PvE or RP with a more PvP oriented crew? Welcome to ED!
A little of everything I suppose. I mean if I ran into you in a dark alley I would burn you down if you provoked me. You can say I have a healthy respect for the line that divides our factions.
I would recommend Blademasters of Dorotar or Quickfuse Cartel but they are all gobbos. Both of their recruitment threads are up and are both solid crews.
We just did an event with the Blademasters last night and, if Goblins aren’t your thing (then you haven’t tried em ), definitely check them out. Buncha great folks.
Otherwise, Quickfuse’ll have your Gobliny self.
The Desolate Conclave engages in PvP but it’s mainly RP so, some of our members aren’t the fighting type.
But we’d of course do more PvP with more people interested in it. We’re a clandestine, undead centric shadow government themed guild but we take all types.
After all within every breather is a spooky, scary skeleton yearning to be free.
(I bet I know what city the OP might be from Greetings from Naperville! I am new here as well, but so far I like it, particularly on the Horde side, which is much more active than I anticipated. I just need to find a nice Alliance guild for Fuchsine.)