New to classic. Looking for casual raiding guild(horde)

As the title says, I haven’t really been playing classic for the vanilla and TBC versions, but WOTLK was one of my favorite expansions and I would love to experience it a second time. I have gotten AOTC each tier(and some light mythic) in the current retail expansion, as well as raiding casually in almost every expansion prior, so I have plenty of experience in a raiding environment.

I am in the process of leveling toons on the server. I am looking to raid with 1 or 2 of the following classes in wrath classic:

Disc/shadow (1st choice)
holy/ret paladin
resto/balance druid

I am looking for a casual guild because I will continue to raid in retail and will simply not have enough time to do high end progression in retail and classic simultaneously. Therefore, a laid back raid group that does 10 or 25 man normal mode is likely the best fit. I am not opposed to doing heroic raiding, I just can’t do the hardcore progression running splits on multiple alts and treating classic content as though it is cutting edge and/or rwf progression. So heroic progression is fine so long as it does not become an excessive time sink.

I am not available to raid on tuesdays and thursdays but any other day(s) can work for my schedule(although I have strong preference towards weekdays as opposed to weekends)

If I might be a decent fit, or you want to talk, please reach out to me by either responding to this post or contacting me through disc/bnet(provided below)

meaniehead#1220 (bnet)
meaniehead#7360 (disc)

Greetings Chadvirgin! Rested XP is looking for SPriests and Warlocks for Wrath. Our group will raid on Saturdays and maybe Sunday evenings. Raid signup sheet is available via Discord. Visit our Discord at