New to classic gameplay, World Buffs

Im just hoping that in P4 the world buff meta wont be as aggressive as it was for classic/era. What i mean is not to remove world buffs but maybe find a way to combine a few of them or make more sources for aquiring them. It can take an entire evening to acquire them if you even want a chance at doing a raid.

It’s going to be significantly more aggressive, and what I mean is that you’ll need to get a full stack of buffs multiple times a week. I hope you have ~10k gold already or you’re not going to be able to afford the consumables needed too.

Physical classes are going to be extremely undertuned outside of raids too, and will basically be pointless to play unless you’re raid logging.

You can get all of them (providing a good drop in BB) an hour before raid.

Wth consumes are you referring to that cost that much? The most I have ever dropped on consumes in a single lockout was 70g. And that was when we were still progressing. Now a days I will drop like 40g and it will last me a couple weeks.

Because you arent running around with WBs? Lol… :roll_eyes:

im just curious because it seems to be a contentious topic, i know about the meta, but i have never participated in it. I came to classic because tbh i think its more fun and more accessible than retail. A hardcore WB meta might make that not true. SO far I’ve only ever had to have 2 at the most. Now it’ll be like 6-7?

Going into p4 it will be 4 at most. Every tier the previous main raid WB has been deactivated (BRD, Gnomer, etc).

And depending on your class and/or spec some dont provide even much of a difference.

This is also one of the reasons we got the chronoboon (besides dispelling prevention), so you dont feel pressured to get them all at once. In SW/Org when Ony drops? Great, boon it up and move on.