New to Brewmaster!

Depends what you mean by “kicking butt” Brew is the highest DPS tank right now but it has a hard time without a good healer

In SL? Pretty tanky. But in DF we have problem with damage in take, we have the highest damage in take but no really good way to heal it back like other tanks.

Some of the worst, if not the worst, in the game. I looked a few days ago and it was something like 32 or 36 buttons that you will be using through out dungeons.

It’s alright, but you need to have very good communication so that you can tell when you are going for big cc chains and then you have to rely on your dps to secure a kill while you cc.

For RBG brew isn’t the worst but it’s not even close to the best. All brew has going for it is roll and tiger’s lust, you take waaay too much damage since Brew is mega nerfed in PvP from Legion.

Significant buffs to BrM. Huge numbers.

Someone else will need to comment on value, because BrM is no longer on my DF radar. 4pc Brew was great in SL, not sure why Blizz felt the need to mess with it so hard.

Giving us more healing helps, but I don’t think it will solve the problem of BrM’s still being too squishy. We need another charge of Celestial Brew as standard, magic damage stagger same as physical, and a reduced CD on Fortiying Brew - 6 minutes is wayyyyy too long for a weak defensive - sadly which is one of our main go-to defensives besides Celestial Brew.

This Ox/Celestial increase was strictly to balance against the 40% HP change they made - ultimately not much of a buff at all but just to bring it back to where it was before.

Brew is still suffering - squishiest tank by far.