New to battle pet. Need pet recoomemdation to collect and level up

Hi, I just practice this mini game recently. Would be great if you can give me some names of strong pets for me to focus on leveling them.

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Welcome to pet battling! ^^

Here’s a list of Xu-Fu’s Pet Guide’s Most Used Pets. It’s a good place to start:


One of the best things you can do is get a Garrison to Level 3. This will give you a quest called Unearthed Magic which will result in an Ultimate Battle Training Stone which lets you make an instant level 25.

Since you can only use pets as high as your highest pet, this lets you use all of them including buying them from the AH or having nice people give them to you. :slight_smile:

One of the best places to level pets and characters (pet battling is great experience for leveling lowbies) is in Frostfire Ridge. The pets respawn quickly and as horde you already have the flight paths there. As an Alliance, you can actually go to where the Horde Garrisons are but there is nothing there but battle pets and no mobs that can harm you.

I have leveled MULTIPLE characters purely doing this kind of thing. Here is just one set of pets I use and how they are used:

The Warbot and Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot are vendor purchases in SW, Org and Dalaran as Warbot Ignition Key respectively.

Level 25 Warbot - 1,2,2 (Missle, Minefield, Launch Rocket)
Level 25 Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling - 1,1,2 (Breath, Bombing Run, Decoy)
Leveling Pet

1 - Missile
2 - Minefield
3 - Swap to Mecha-P
4 - Bombing Run
5 - Decoy
6 - Swap in/out Leveling Pet - No attacks
7 - Swap in Warbot
8 - Missile until enemy is dead

Your first pet on this can also be the Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot with the same skills which is why I mention it.

This makes the first battle take your leveling pet from 1 to 12 as I recall. The 2nd fight will take you to around 17 as I recall. This can be done over and over and over and like I said, is great character experience, especially when you tie it in with things like Darkmoon Fair buffs and such.


This is a post from one of the regular pet battle forum posters from about a year ago that contains a lot of great information;


There’s also this thread which will help you find some very powerful and less touted wild pets you can capture


Awesome, thank you :slightly_smiling_face:
Just asking, is there any battle pet community or discord ? I found 1 community but unfortunately it’s full already.

Originally the initial slog to 25 kept lots of us pet people busy for months. Then that marvelous shortcut, the level 3 Garrison Menagerie, that was only little more than a week or two grinding Garrison resources. There’s a new speedup in Shadowlands and Dragon Isles now.

35 Polished Pet Charms will buy the Ultimate Battle Training Stone that Aaralene mentioned. Three of the newest DF pet WQs are against a single pet who sometimes drops the Pet Charms and these can be beaten with level 1 teams. Shouldn’t take long to get 35 Charms.

Today Swog was an easy kill with 3 Flying attacks. Used Uncommon moths that I picked up at Exodar for 50 sliver each. Swog just dropped bandages today but just a couple days ago was worth 20 Charms.

Stormamu gave me 16 Charms using Aquatic abilities. Used inexpensive Rares from AH, two of which OP already has.

Waiting for Enyobon to show up again to test if Magic attacks do indeed work for him.

Absolutely no question that pet battling does get easier once you have your first 25.

UPDATE: Enyobon finally up today and easy win with level 1 pets with Ooze Touch or Feedback magic abilities.