NEW tinker CLASS and NEW WEAPON (One-handed pistol/crossbow)

Engineer isn’t a class. We have almost no tech classes in wow. Only hunters and that is like hardly tech

You mean like the evoker that everyone treats like…well:


Also engineer isn’t a class, it’s a profession. You can definitely separate the two.

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Yes, you are probably right, ty for adding ideas and lore.
I recommend you to read the rest of the stuff, I think I hade quite cool ideas on the tinker habilities. You could also add some points if you like to do so.

But what it does overlaps a lot with what a “tinker” would do. I hope Blizzard would continue to make new classes and ideas like the Evoker.

Go look at hero of the storm gazlowe

It plays like an evoker. And overlap? Mate, so many classes In this game already overlap. We have so many magical casters and melee. Potions and herbalism overlaps with druidism. Priests overlap with paladins.

Enchanting overlaps with death knights runes or enhancement shamans that enchant their weapons.

That is why I find that excuse so poor

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Not to diminish your work and passion, but I won’t be reading through it.

As long as there is a grenader DPS spec and a no mana technology based healing spec, I’m on board with it.

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While ive no doubt it would be unsuccessful given how poorly most steam punk goes over in wow. I have to give propts to the same small group of people that wont let this terrible idea die.

Lol not small nor the same. Constantly growing and steam punk in wow is great. Been a thing since W3

Not at all. Druids using the power of nature and the animals =/= picking some flowers to put in a bottle.

Paladins were immune to the plague of Undeath but Priests weren’t, for example. They channel and use the Light in fundamentally different ways. It’s why you can have a Forsaken Priest but not a Forsaken Paladin.

Enchanting does not overlap with the gameplay element of shamans imbuing their weapons, nor is it similar in any way to rune carving.

Tinkers are what? A class that specializes in using gadgets and machines to augment themselves or fight the enemy. That same description applies to Engineers.

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Thats exactly waht I wrote hahah. Ty aniways man.

If we get a new Tinker Class, there are tons of great ideas out there, but this one really got my attention cause the guy took the time to design it from the ground up, added a new resource, and showed how it would work.

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Yeah, you’re hopeles. Excuses and excuses and excuses but when it comes to a tech based class, you lack imagination.

Just going to ignore you. You’re one of those

Did you see their new trailer. Looks so fun.

The mechanic with rounds being your resources is fun. Always wanted a bullet system

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Why would u think such thing? Classes are a major content on this game. If they stop bringinng classes what would u add to keep people’s interest on trying new things?

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Except engineering isn’t a CLASS it’s a PROFESSION. It’s not like my classes gameplay is going to be running around collecting ore to make into bombs to use in my rotation.

The two can exist side by side.

It’s ironic how you can so easily deny the similarities of other classes to professions but tinkers are impossible for you to differentiate. Peak comedy to be honest.

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I saw this video the other day and inmediatly tought of how tinkers would work on my mind, and made this post.
But yea this was the inpiration for me to making this post.

Because they are a PvPer in a PvP guild which means any new class, especially a mobile hunter style class would not only be OP, and imbalance the specs in PvP, but would make Hunter obsolete.

That is why I put him on my ignore list. He had excuses for the overlapping of other classes and themes with professions but when it comes to a tech based class, it is impossible.

The lack of imagination is already a huge red flag.

Evokers already are just dragon mages with a healing spec and supper spec. The same spec ideas mages been asking for for ages but they made a new class instead.

So for pvpers the game must die and thats all?

If they add Tinker, the game won’t die and neither will PvP. Seems a bit dramatic