They get an F… because this is the equivalent of a student told to turn in a narrative essay and who gave a historical report on the battle of Waterloo…
The only redeeming potential I see is if it has recolors…
Since they didn’t introduce them with any class indicators I can’t even tell which is for whom or who…
I’m digging the rogue set. It is far and away the best looking. Paladin has got the tier 3 similarities and the mage set looks good on a tall draenei mage which I have. These three are what I like the most.
Horrible looking sets. Literally just looks like more Oribos themed gear. We wanted and we’re excited for “CLASS” sets. Honestly thought they we’re going to knock it out of the park with them returning. /sigh (<opps was that emote removed?) Legion tier sets were amazing!
… and one of them was just an HD remaster/recolor of an old TBC tier. And it was good! I mean, they seriously could’ve just done the same thing with tier 5 or 8 in 9.2 and it would’ve been infinitely better.