New tier sets 10.1

another ugly hunter set to add to my collection of ugly hunter sets


What’s going on with that monk hat? It looks like someone let half a banana rot on their head after spending time as a hozen target dummy.

This is much better overall than the current tier. Nice.

Ah well, if Mythic is purple tint I’ll still get it eventually

Those wings will look dope in Shadowform regardless

Heroic should be reddish I guess just to add since both hunter and war are listed as such

Everyone talking about the priest set and here I am eyeballing how good that druid and shaman set look.

Priest set is such a slap in the face to Paladin.

They either need to recolor the Paladin set with the Iconic Gold/red/black or swap sets.

It’s like they intentionally took traditional colors for classes and swapped them in this case.

That being said, warrior slaps.


Yeah… I think that Warrior Helmet might be one of my new favorite helms in the whole game. Has major Dragoon vibes from FFXIV.


Curse you sexy a$$ priest mog, now I’m gonna have to raid this patch.

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Those priest shoulders are gonna have like a 35 foot wingspan on my Tauren.


Amazing. I stole this, made it into a meme and posted in on my discord.

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I can dig the Shaman set using the half-skirt.

I’d probably not use that helmet, but I can sure as heck enjoy that armor! Hope it comes in green!

Our current set is also terrible.
Also, priests consistently have some of the best sets in the game so I’m not sure what you’re on about.


Our tube dresses beg to differ.

The sets themselves aren’t bad, but we lack a lot of leg / foot slot items because we’re expected to wear the tube at all times.

I actually like all three of these.

Really like the mage, rogue is nice, not a fan of the lock

Priest is S tier, DK and Pally are aggressively underwhelming

Healing priests do double the damage of healing paladins, so makes sense we’d get the wimpy dress

And lol yet again with oversized shoulders with a massive gap that’ll look completely stupid as the shoulders are nearly floating off the body on female characters who don’t wear the helmet and get a tiny baby sized head as a result

Evoker one is nice, which feels like a waste.
DH and Monk are fine, hunter is brutal.

THe quite literally took a paladin set (complete with paladin set colors/see tier 2 and class hall set) and put an inquisitor halo on it.

It’s a paladin set.

If they swapped the colors of Priest and Paladin it would make the paladin set better.


super excited about another shade of gold that wont matching else btw lol

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Nope. Learn to love that Pally set.

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